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(一)传统的双轨制存在着弊端十一届三中全会以来,农村经济得到了迅猛发展,随着经济的发展,农民不仅只注重吃、穿、住问题,也注重对子女的培养,加上各级领导对教育的日益重视,多村的幼儿教育发展较快。我县幼儿园从八三年到八七年班级数由729班增加到808班,入园人数从19629人增加到25865人。为了搞好幼儿教育,乡村领导不惜重金集资几十万元建造新的幼儿园,一所又一所宽敞明亮的乡联办幼儿园相继落成,一批又一批的农家幼儿送进了幼儿园。园舍改观了,农民紧接着向幼儿园要质量,农民已经不满 (I) There are disadvantages in the traditional dual-track system Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the rural economy has witnessed rapid development. Along with the economic development, peasants not only pay attention to the problems of food, clothing and shelter, but also focus on their children’s training. Leaders at all levels pay more and more attention to education, and multi-village early childhood education develops rapidly. The number of kindergartens in our county increased from 729 classes to 808 classes from 1983 to 1987, and the enrollment increased from 19,629 to 25,865. In order to improve early childhood education, the village leaders did not hesitate to raise heavily to raise hundreds of thousands of yuan to build a new kindergarten. One after another bright and spacious rural federation kindergartens were completed one after another and batch after batch of farm children were sent to kindergartens. The park changed, the peasants followed the quality to the kindergarten, farmers have been dissatisfied
综合分析我院血液科1980年1月~1994年6月骨髓增生异常综合征的临床、细胞形态的特点,结果表明,各系列的病态造血是MDS诊断的主要依据,而小剂量化学药物诱导分化是治疗MDS的较好方法。 Comprehens
科学发展观对推动中小学图书馆建设具有战略指导意义。其科学性在于实现了以人为本、全面、协调及可持续性的有机统一。 Scientific Outlook on Development Has Strategic
本文以“读者服务”为切入点,指出在信息时代,公共图书馆要利用多样化的信息资源,开展个性化和特色化的服务。 In this paper, “reader service ” as the entry point, p
This paper presents the simulation and the analysis of the transient process of a Francis turbine during the load rejection by employing a one-dimensional and t