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学院(现中国美院)院长,为中国美术教育事业做出了卓越的贡献。存他逝世25年后的今天,49岁的徭公凯以其出色的人品和才华,被文化部任命为中国美术学院院长。父子先后在同一所学校担任院长,不能不说带有戏剧性,一时间被传为佳话。而其夫人古仪(励国清设计花布,当过中学教师、书店营业员等。他们还被莫明其妙地审查、盯梢……倍尝人生百昧。 1971年,父亲潘天寿惨遭迫害致病,与世长辞。母亲和哥哥又因文革期间长期压抑而相继患上绝症。连续几年,潘公凯奔走于医院和药店之间,心力交瘁,但仍未 College (now China Academy of Art) Dean, for the Chinese art education has made outstanding contributions. 25 years after his death, today, 49 -year-old Kung Kai Kai has been named the dean of the China Academy of Art by the Ministry of Culture for his outstanding character and talent. Father and son successively in the same school as Dean, can not be said to be dramatic, for a time passed as a story. And his wife, ancient instrument (Li Guoqing design cloth, worked as a secondary school teacher, bookstore salesman, etc. They were also inexplicably censored, tailed ... times taste life ignorant .1971 years, his father Pan Tianshou brutally persecuted disease , Died in the world.Mother and brother also suffered from terminal illness because of the long period of repression during the Cultural Revolution.For several years, Pan Gongkai ran in the hospital and pharmacy, hardworking, but still not yet