支部加协会 农民得实惠

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我们西白莲峪村地处密云县深山区,全村218户,散落在有11个自然村、方圆6平方公里的山沟里。1996年人均年收入不足千元。近几年来,党支部围绕经济抓党建,2003年农民人均收入达到4100元。1997年,我们支部经过调查研究,认为西白莲峪村山多地少缺水,靠传统的粮食生产致富无望,而种植板栗和养柴鸡大有前途,就确定了“远抓林果近抓畜牧”的发展思路。我们鼓励农民利用荒地发展板栗、仁用杏,制定了扶持奖励办法,村集体统一为村民买树苗,村民每栽植一棵树,补助1.5元。到去年底,村民共栽植板栗720亩,栽植仁用杏300亩。我们将发展柴鸡养殖作为本村的主导产业。在集中购进了第一批柴鸡后,村民怕担风险,持观望态度。我们就发动党员带头养。党员冯连江带头养了30只,一年就增收1200元,其余十几户党员也获得了可观的经济效益。村民看到了养柴鸡真来钱,100多户纷纷养起来。 Our West Bailian Yu village is located in Miyun County mountains, 218 village, scattered in 11 villages, a radius of 6 square kilometers of ravine. Per capita annual income in 1996 is less than one thousand yuan. In recent years, the Party branch focused on economic construction and party building. In 2003, per capita income of peasants reached 4,100 yuan. In 1997, after our branch investigation and research, we concluded that there is a shortage of water in Xibailianyu village and that there is no hope of relying on traditional grain production. However, planting chestnuts and raising chai chicken have a promising future, "Development ideas. We encourage farmers to use the wasteland to develop chestnut and apricot apricots and formulate supportive incentives. The village collectives collectively buy saplings for the villagers. Each villagers plant a tree and subsidize 1.5 yuan. By the end of last year, a total of 720 acres of chestnut trees were planted by the villagers and 300 acres of apricots were planted. We will develop Chai chicken breeding as the village’s leading industry. After the first batch of Chaiji purchased, the villagers are afraid to take risks and hold a wait-and-see attitude. We mobilize party members take the lead in raising. Party members Feng Lienjiang took the lead in raising 30, an increase of 1,200 yuan a year, the remaining more than 10 households also received considerable economic benefits. Villagers have really raised money to raise Chai, more than 100 families have to support it.