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我们中国建筑材料工业建筑邯郸安装工程公司是一个具有30多年历史的建材工业安装企业,近几年又发展了机械制造业,是国家确定的建材安装施工资质一级企业和建材装备生产的重点企业。1988年至1990年承包经营,使我公司如虎添翼,发生了前所未有的变化,取得了令人振奋的成绩。经济效益稳定增长。三年承包共实现产值3510万元;获得利润490万元;上缴税金273万元;全员劳动生产率年平均达到19456元;年人均创利税4234元;年人均收入2687元。与1985年 Our China Building Materials Industry Construction and Installation Engineering Company is a building materials industry installation company with a history of more than 30 years. In recent years, we have also developed the machinery manufacturing industry. It is a national key enterprise that determines the qualification of building materials installation and construction and the production of building materials and equipment. . From 1988 to 1990, the company contracted and managed to make our company even more powerful. It has undergone unprecedented changes and has achieved encouraging results. The economic efficiency has grown steadily. The three-year contracted total output value of 35.1 million yuan; profit of 4.9 million yuan; paid taxes of 2.73 million yuan; the average annual labor productivity reached 19,456 yuan; annual per capita profit-making tax of 4234 yuan; annual per capita income of 2687 yuan. With 1985
由江苏省昆山市塑料制品二厂和上海电器科学研究所联合开发研制的小型异步电动机(H80、90)用工程兼风罩,于1982年8月在昆山 The small-sized asynchronous motor (H80, 90)
对当前仪器仪表行业的机遇和形势作了深刻的分析,针对天津市仪器仪表行业深化改革、制订发展战略和规划,提出了中肯的建议。 A profound analysis was made of the current
Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen said on March 16 in Beijing that China attaches importance to its ties with the Russian Federation, and hopes to promote c
机械电子工业部于1992年6月在长春召开了加强机械工业工艺工作座谈会。部领导在会上 The Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry held a symposium to strengthe