
来源 :中国制笔 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maomaoniaoniao
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中国制笔协会从1983年咸立至今已整整跨过了20个年头,这20年正是我国改革开放取得伟大成果的时期,也是我们制笔行业取得很大成绩的时期。 协会成立之初,全国只有几百家制笔企业,而现在已有几千家企业,无论从企业的数量、还是产值、利润,今天行业的整体实力确确实实有了长足的发展。特别是自来水笔、木杆铅笔、圆珠笔的年产量都占世界首位,我国已经成为制笔生产和出口大国。 Since its establishment in 1983, the Chinese Association of Pen and Pilots has completely crossed 20 years. These two decades are just the time when China’s reform and opening up achieved great results. It is also a period when great achievements have been made in the pen industry. At the beginning of its establishment, there were only a few hundred pen-making enterprises in the country, and now there are several thousand enterprises. In terms of the number of enterprises, output value and profits, the overall strength of the industry today has really made great strides. In particular, fountain pen, wood pencil, ball-point pen, the annual output accounts for the first place in the world, our country has become pen production and exporter.
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