警学当取法兵学 公安应借鉴军队——兼论西部大开发中公安现代化的历史取向及战略构想

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提出和深化、完善西部地区公安现代化发展历史取向的战略与之相配套 ,是“西部大开发”不可或缺的组成部分。中华民族是一个拥有悠久文明、文化底蕴深厚的民族。享有“兵法王国”美誉的中国 ,古代兵书数以千计 ,门类赅备 ,应自觉地把它纳入到现代警学视野 ,进一步发掘、利用它为公安现代化、“西部大开发”战略实践服务 ,充实警学基础 ,使之能够古为今用。中国人民解放军从无到有、从小到大、从单一兵种到多军兵种集团合成逐步现代化的历史 ,也是公安现代化应予共享、大胆借鉴的宝贵财富资源。公安机关应借鉴军队现代化成功的经验和好的作法 ,认真分析研究、总结吸取公安现代化建设的经验教训 ,走出一条投入少、效益高的现代化建设的路子 The strategy of proposing and deepening and improving the historical orientation of the modernization of public security in the western region is an indispensable component of “the great development of the western region.” The Chinese nation is a nation with a long history of civilization and profound culture. As a country enjoying the reputation of “the Kingdom of France and France”, there are thousands of ancient books and catalogs in ancient China that should be consciously incorporated into the field of modern police and further explored and used it to serve the strategic practice of modernizing the public security and “developing the west region” Enrich the foundation of police so that it can be used for the past. The history of the PLA from scratch, from small to large, and the gradual modernization of the integration of multi-service arms groups from a single PLA unit is also a valuable wealth resource that should be shared and boldly used by the modernized public security. The public security organs should draw lessons from the successful experience and good practices of the army in modernizing modernization, earnestly analyze and study, draw lessons from the modernization construction of public security and step out of a modernized construction with less investment and high efficiency
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自 1998年 7月至 1999年 2月 ,我们采用微创技术治疗高血压脑出血 10 2例 ,取得良好的疗效 ,现给予总结报道。1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料 患者共 10 2例 ,男 86例 ,女 16例