
来源 :中国校医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:calvin1987
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目的了解克拉拉玛依市大中专在校学生对艾滋病相关知识、行为、态度的掌握程度及评价健康教育效果。方法对大中专学生采取讲座、发放宣传资料、现场提问等方式,进行健康教育前后不记名、内容相同的两次自行设计的问卷调查。结果经过2周的健康教育干预后,被调查的大中专学生艾滋病传播途径与非传播途径、防治措施等相关知识的平均正确率均在85%以上,已达《中国遏制与防治艾滋病行为计划(2006-2010年)》指标,但对个别问题仍存在模糊认识。93.58%的学生持有“同情和关怀艾滋病病人”的良好态度,但有62.06%的学生仍对艾滋病产生恐惧,不愿意与艾滋病病人及感染者交往。结论被调查的学生艾滋病防治知识有了较大提高但不全理。应结合学生特点将艾滋病知识教育纳入学校健康教育之中去,并需要全面、系统、持久地进行下去。 Objective To understand the mastery of HIV / AIDS related knowledge, behaviors and attitudes among college students in Kelalamayi and evaluate the effect of health education. Methods Students from colleges and technical secondary schools to take lectures, dissemination of information, on-site questions, etc., before and after health education anonymous, the same content of the two self-designed questionnaire. Results After two weeks of health education intervention, the average correct rate of HIV / AIDS transmission and non-transmission ways, prevention and control measures among the surveyed college students was over 85%, reaching the level of “China’s AIDS Prevention and Control Behavior Plan (2006-2010) ”target, there is still a vague awareness of individual issues. 93.58% of students hold a good attitude of “sympathy and care for AIDS patients”. However, 62.06% students are still afraid of AIDS and do not want to deal with AIDS patients and those infected. Conclusion The knowledge of HIV / AIDS prevention and control among the investigated students has been greatly improved but not comprehensive. The education of HIV / AIDS knowledge should be integrated into the health education of schools according to the characteristics of students, and it needs to be carried out in a comprehensive, systematic and sustained manner.
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