The Impact of COVID-19 on China’s Foreign Trade

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  Abstract:The global spread of Covid-19 will exert extremely negative impact on the world economy.Not only the foreign trade development of China and Chinese enterprises,but also the international image of China will face more threats in the future.Sino-US relations may deteriorate in the absence of effective communication.We need to adopt appropriate fiscal and monetary policies,find more new growth points of China’s foreign trade to restore the strong momentum of China’s economic development,and get prepared to deal with trade frictions and disputes as soon as possible.
  Keywords:COVID-19 epidemic;international trade;Sino-US relation
  Since the beginning of 2020,the sudden outbroke of COVID-19 in Wuhan has made our country suffered a lot.With the efforts of all regions and departments to advance both the prevention and control of the pandemic,the domestic situation has improved markedly.However,the global spread of the COVID-19 epidemic has triggered trade restrictions and embargoes that have directly undermined the international free trade system and have produced severe trade destruction effects,which will have a certain negative impact on China’s import and export trade as well as the international image of our nation.
  From my point of view,the COVID-19 will affect China’s foreign trade in the following ways:
  First and foremost,the foreign trade volume of China will decrease significantly this year.On one hand,the outbreak of the COVID-19 in China caused numerous of factories and foreign trade enterprises stopped working for several months,especially those not directly related to medical supplies production.On the other hand,as the virus spread to all over the world,it has already become a global “black swan” event.By the end of May,more than six million people had been infected,however,the specific drug for the virus has not been developed so far.Therefore,more and more countries have been taking measures to limit the international movement of people and cargos.Import and export enterprises have to give up part of their overseas orders to avoid the loss of delay warehousing,order defaults and frustrated overseas.According to the data from the MOFCOM(The Ministry of Commerce of the people’s Republic of China),in the first two months of 2020,the total value of China’s import,export and foreign trade had decreased by 2.4%,15.9% and 9.6% respectively.
  Secondly,domestic foreign trade enterprises will face new pressures and challenges for a long time.As we all know,transportation occupies a profoundly significant position in the international trade,and the freight is an essential component of the price of commodities.Unfortunately,from a research made by the General Administration of Customs recently,we found that 34% of the enterprises reported increasing pressure on international logistic costs.The air freight of many routes even has increased several times.At the same time,due to the impact of the epidemic on international logistic enterprises,the labor shortage and sharp reduction of flights and vessels have led to a serious decline in transport capacity,making the situation even worse.   Last but not least,due to the malicious slander from countries led by the United States,the international image of China has been negatively affected.In addition,relations between China and the United States will deteriorated further if we do not take effective measures and communicate with American government in a peaceful way.Historically speaking,when a new country rises and becomes more and more powerful,the traditional super power which has a dominant position in the world,will exhaust all the efforts to contain and hold back the new country’s development.Since president Trump came into power,the US government began to pursued the concept of “American First”,which has generated a obviously anti-globalization effect.As the most important trade partner of China,the US started a trade war with us in 2018,which made both sides lost.Even though the two sides had reached an economic and trade agreement in January 2020,the epidemic will pose a huge threat to it.For instance,according to the first-phase economic and trade agreement between the US and China,by the end of 2021,China will need to increase its import of manufactured goods,agricultural products,and energy products as well as services from the US by no less than 200 billion US dollars,however,the impact of the epidemic will bring us huge import pressure since domestic demand are decreasing.Once disputes about the agreement arises,the Sino-US relationship will turn from détente to tension again.
  In a conclusion,we have reached an important historical turning point.As the pandemic still rages globally,the changing external environment has posed challenges for China to secure the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and shaking off absolute poverty before the end of this year.In terms of policy response,the following measures should be taken to help our country overcome this difficult period and support for the development of foreign trade enterprises:
  Firstly,turn the export-oriented developing model to boosting domestic demand.Although a deficit occurred in exports,the sale of daily necessities and online retail sales of physical goods continued to grow in China,we should support and encourage foreign trade enterprises that temporarily lose orders due to the epidemic to participate in the domestic economic activities,maintain their production capacity,and guide relevant enterprises to realize the transformation to coordinate both domestic and international markets.   Secondly,adopt more proactive fiscal policies and moderately relaxed monetary policies.On one hand,the former can prevent a sharp recession of the economy.On the other hand,the later can restore the foreign trade development quickly.For example,by extending the loan repayment period of enterprises influenced by the epidemic,we can alleviate the financial pressure of them.
  Thirdly,promote bilateral cooperation and enhance the influence of the Belt and Road Initiative and a community with a shared future for mankind.Although affected by the outbreak of COVID-19,however,trade with ASEAN and countries along the Belt and Road maintained growth,with the trade value growing by 2% and 1.8% each.While more and more developed western countries influenced by the epidemic,ASEAN and countries along the Belt and Road may become the main growth point of China’s foreign trade in 2020.Meanwhile,we need to actively promote multilateral international organizations to conduct consultations and cooperation to prevent the spread of the epidemic,to alleviate the adverse impact on international trade.Globalization is the trend of history,in face of the epidemic,no countries can manage alone or stand aloof,on the contrary,every one of us can reap huge benefits in the process of forming a community with a shared future for mankind.
  Finally,to deal with the Sino-US relation issue properly,we should not only be prepared for further deterioration,but also strive to defuse the high-intensity confrontation that may result from misunderstanding.As the country with the most advanced medical technology in the world,unexpectedly,the US had more than 1.9 million cases,making it the country with the most COVID-19 cases.In my opinion,Donald Trump is a successful businessman,but far from a competent president.The outbreak of the epidemic ended the “Trump Boom”,and his performance during the epidemic is reminiscent of President Hoover’s during the Great Depression.As far as I’m concerned,as the world’s two largest economies,China and the United States should strengthen cooperation to prevail over the pandemic at an early date.Just as Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai said,“blaming China will not end this pandemic”.
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摘 要:国家卫健委统计信息中心发布2020年1-3月全国医疗服务情况,三级医院总诊疗人次数同比下降30.6%,出院人数同比下降22.7%,病床使用率下降32.88%等数据,人次的下降直接导致收入的下降,疫情对医院经济的影响带来的空前的冲击,如何加强医院精益经济运营管理,构建医院管理体系尤为重要,在后疫情时期加强医院运营管理转化为医院的经济动力外力,通过一系列的管理工具和方法进行规划、控制、评价和考
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摘 要:中华民族历史悠久,浩如烟海,博大精深。中国传统文化更是经历了列强战争、殖民侵略、改革开放的风霜洗礼,在当下继续生生不息。中华民族传统文化种类繁多,如夜空中的点点星子,不同的文化元素代表着不同的含义:葡萄图案代表多子多孙、世代绵延;葫芦图案代表着一生福禄双全;仙鹤和鹿的图案则寓意长寿。近年来,现代平面设计中更多地出现传统文化元素的身影。本文从平面设计角度出发,概述了传统文化元素与平面设计的融
摘 要:随着社会经济与现代科技的不断发展,电力自动化技术也随之发展起来,并且越来越现代化,系统也越来越繁杂。为了可以在当前状态下更好的管理其运行,就需要应用一种比较简单的方式进行其运行状态的表达,这样就有利于专业人员在短时间内就掌握系统的运行状态与现状,并且及时作出调度。想要实现此目的,就需要将可视化技术应用在电力系统之中。下文主要就是针对电力运行可视化技术进行了简单的分析与研究。  关键词:电力
摘 要:青花元素是东方文化当中非常典型的元素,其特征表现为高雅、精致,以此来表现出中国传统文化的特点。将这个元素运用在当代乐器之上,能将乐器赋予相应的文化涵养。本篇文章结合青花元素的进展、此元素在设计当中的关键性以及这个元素在当代乐器之中的运用,解析了青花元素和当代乐器之间的关联,通过研究青花元素在当代乐器之中的运用来实现乐器自身价值的提高,带给大家较好的审美感受。  关键词:青花元素;当代乐器设
摘 要:数字媒体技术专业课程体系探讨数字媒体专业旨在培养能够适应数字媒体技术发展需要及数字内容产业需求的高级复合型人才,因此该专业最重要的一个特点就是学科交叉,并且是涉及到技术与艺术两大学科的多个学科领域的交叉。另外,该专业的另一特点是应用性人才需求驱动,人才需求强烈,同时专业技术发展迅速。如何制订合适的课程体系,对本专业学生在学习阶段进行综合性的训练,适应数字媒体技术的发展趋势与相关产业的人才需
摘 要:机电工程是一项复杂的工程且存在一定的危险性,在整个的建筑施工期间发挥着重要的作用。当前,如何机电工程施工安全技术的应用已经成为工程人员的重点研究问题,需要相关负责人能够从全局的角度进行安全技术应用问题的思考,坚决维护工作人员的生命安全,用技术去代替人工,以此来降低电气施工的危险性系数,有效的提高工程质量。接下来,本文将重点说明机电工程施工中的主要安全技术的应用情况,并在此基础上进一步提出改