
来源 :山东农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yeka
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粘虫是一种暴发性的害虫,幼虫在三龄前食量少且抗药力低,是防治的有利时期。但一至三龄为期很短,麦田一代粘虫不过7-8天,谷田三代粘虫仅5-6天,如果虫情检查不准,极易错过有利防治时机。因此,研究创制一种简单查虫工具,迅速查清田间真实的虫口数量与发育进度,对争取时间将粘虫消灭在低龄阶段是非常必要的。基于上述生产需要,我们在1964年改制了 Mythimna separata is an outbreak of pests and the larvae have low food intake and low resistance before the third instar and are good times to prevent and control. But the first to third age is very short, but the first generation of wheat field armyworms but 7-8 days, Gutian three generations of armyworms only 5-6 days, if the inspection of insects are not allowed to easily miss the opportunity to prevent and control. Therefore, it is very necessary to research and create a simple insect-finding tool to quickly find out the true number and development of insects in the field and to eliminate the time to eradicate armyworms. Based on the above production needs, we restructured in 1964
1964年,我们使用2.5%的敌百虫粉,在全县10个点,对棉花小造桥虫、玉米螟、地下虫、蔬菜虫等多种 In 1964, we used 2.5% trichlorfon powder, and in the whole county 10 po
Livin作为凋亡抑制蛋白家族(inhibitor of apoptosis proteins,IAPs)的成员之一,表达于多种恶性肿瘤细胞中,而且其过表达可增加恶性肿瘤细胞的抗凋亡作用及对放疗化疗的耐受
湘政发[1996]10号各行政公署,自治州、市、县人民政府,省直有关单位:省人民政府同意省地方税务局《关于调整屠宰税征收标准的请示》,现批转给你们,请认真贯彻执行。 Xiang
秘密,埃里亚斯·卡内蒂[Elias Canneti]写道,处在现代权力的核心位置。国家的秘密具有不寻常的魅力,那些参与构建它的人对它充满了偶像崇拜,而且这些秘密会被揭开的恐惧每时
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狗奶子(羊奶子、小蘖)液取8~10斤狗奶子(色括根、茎、叶),切成2寸长,加水20斤熬煮成10斤,用6层纱布过滤,其滤液即为原 Dog tits (goat milk, small tillers) liquid take 8