
来源 :北京党史 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ranranwenwen
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新中国成立初期的社会建设主要包括除旧、整饬和布新几个方面。一方面,坚决荡涤旧社会的污泥浊水,取缔卖淫嫖娼,禁止贩毒吸毒,废除封建婚姻制度,基本清除了封建社会遗毒,净化了社会风气。并且,通过多方努力,取得了镇压反革命的胜利,解决了社会治安、赈灾、就业等关系群众切身利益的问题,整顿了混乱的社会秩序,安定了人民群众的生活。另一方面,加强党风廉政建设,在全社会开展移风易俗活动,倡导勤俭节约、艰苦奋斗的新风尚。这些举措取得了巨大成效,使中国社会面貌发生 The social construction in the early days of the founding of New China mainly included the removal of old ones, the rectification of old ones, and the promotion of new ones. On the one hand, we must resolutely clean the mud and muddy water of the old society, eliminate prostitution, prohibit drugs and drugs, abolish the feudal marriage system, and basically eliminate the legacy of feudal society and cleanse the social ethos. And through various efforts, it has won the victory of suppressing the counterrevolutionary revolution and solved the problems concerning the vital interests of the masses such as social order, disaster relief and employment, rectified the chaotic social order and stabilized the livelihood of the people. On the other hand, strengthening the building of party conduct and building a clean government and carrying out the activities of shifting the customs of the community in the general public will promote a new trend of diligence, thrift and hard work. These measures have achieved tremendous results and have brought about the Chinese society
BACKGROUND: Neurons expressing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) play an important role in the regulation of wakefulness to sleep, as well as the maintenance of sl
<正> 在我国四个现代化的建设中,科学技术的现代化是关键的一化。在科学技术现代化中的迫切要求科学管理的现代化。因此在当前首先要抓的是科研管理工作。科研管理工作的目的