
来源 :财经界(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thelkiss
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众所周知,高校是人才培养的圣地,对于国家的发展和民族事业的建设有着十分重要的促进作用。而面对现代纷杂的社会变革,高校的财务管理环境也发生了巨大的变化,可以说,面对现代的市场环境、经济环境和政治环境,高校的财务管理工作在迎来了新的发展机遇的同时也面临着前所未有的压力和挑战,高校如何能够抓住机遇,迎接挑战,成为了现阶段高校财务工作人员十分关心和重视的问题,基于此,本文采用理论分析、实地研究等方法在研究了现阶段高校财务管理中存在问题的基础上,提出了解决问题,加强高校财务管理工作的措施。希望能够起到一定的抛砖引玉的作用,在引起更多专业人士关心和重视高校财务管理工作的基础上,促进高校实现更好的发展和进步。 As we all know, colleges and universities are the holy sites for the cultivation of qualified personnel and play an important role in promoting the development of the country and the construction of national cause. In the face of the modern and complicated social changes, the financial management environment in colleges and universities has undergone tremendous changes. It can be said that the face of the modern market environment, economic environment and political environment, the financial management of colleges and universities ushered in a new opportunity for development At the same time, it is facing unprecedented pressure and challenge. How colleges can seize the opportunity and meet the challenge has become the issue that college finance staff pay close attention to at the present stage. Based on this, this article adopts the methods of theoretical analysis and field study to study Based on the existing problems in the financial management of colleges and universities, this paper puts forward measures to solve the problems and strengthen the financial management in colleges and universities. Hoping to play a certain role in attracting valuable resources and attract more professionals to care about and attach importance to the financial management of colleges and universities based on the promotion of higher education to achieve better development and progress.
【摘要】针对大学生心理危机干预能力现状和问题,从危机干预的模式与技术等方面,研究大学生心理危机干预机制的建立与实施。  【关键词】心理危机干预;系统;实践    有心理学家将大学生所处的这一时期称为“急风暴雨式的动荡期”。[1]在大学校园里,每一名学生都有渴望成才、出人头地的强烈愿望,但竞争是残酷而激烈的,总有人不能达到自己的预期目标,往往产生很强的失落感,进而丧失进取心和自信心。而一部分大学生更