Cloning and expression patterns of two Smad genes during embryonic development and shell formation o

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zly13631743
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Increasing evidence indicates that transforming growth factor β(TGF-P) signaling pathways play many important roles in the early development of mollusks.However,limited information is known concerning their detailed mechanisms.Here,we describe the identification,cloning and characterization of two Smad genes,the key components of TGF-P signaling pathways,from the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas.Sequence analysis of the two genes,designated as cgi-smad1/5/8 and cgi-smad4,revealed conserved functional characteristics.The two genes were widely expressed in embryos and larvae,suggesting multiple roles in the early development of C.gigas.The mRNA of the two genes aggregated in the D quadrant and cgi-smad4 was highly expressed on the dorsal side of the gastrula,indicating that TGF-P signaling pathways may be involved in dorsoventral patterning in C.gigas.Furthermore,high expression levels of the two genes in the shell fields of embryos at different stages suggested important roles for TGF-P signaling pathways in particular phases of shell development,including the formation of the initial shell field and the biomineralization of larval shells.The results of this study provide fundamental support for elucidating how TGF-P signaling pathways participate in the early development of bivalve mollusks,and suggest that further work is warranted to this end. Increasing evidence indicates that transforming growth factor β (TGF-P) signaling pathways play many important roles in the early development of mollusks. However, limited information is known about their detailed mechanisms. Here, we describe the identification, cloning and characterization of two Smad genes, the key components of TGF-P signaling pathways, from the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Sequencing analysis of the two genes, designated as cgi-smad1 / 5/8 and cgi-smad4, revealed conserved functional characteristics. expressed in embryos and larvae, Jahn multiple roles in the early development of C. gigas. The mRNA of the two genes aggregated in the D quadrant and cgi-smad4 was highly expressed on the dorsal side of the gastrula, indicating that TGF-P signaling pathways may be involved in dorsoventral patterning in C. gigas. Still further, high expression levels of the two genes in the shell fields of embryos at different stages suggested important roles for TGF- P signaling pathways in particular phases of shell development, including the formation of the initial shell field and the biomineralization of larval shells. The results of this study provide fundamental support for elucidating how TGF-P signaling pathways participate in the early development of bivalve mollusks, and suggest that further work is warranted to this end.
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