Women on the Pamir Plateau

来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feihuiy1
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The Tajik nationality, with a population of 33,538, mainly settle in the Taxkorgan Tajik Nationality Autonomous County. They have their own language, but no written script. Many of them can speak and write in Uygur. Taxkorgan, the only county of China with Pakistan as neighbor, is located on the highest part of the Pamir Plateau, on whose south stands the Qogir Peak,8,611 metres above the sea level, the second-highest peak of the world. The magnificent Pamir trained the Tajik to be brave, firm and generous. Their ancestors smoothed the Silk Road. The opening of Kungjirap port has energised the local economy. The Tajik nationality, with a population of 33,538, mainly settle in the Taxkorgan Tajik Nationality Autonomous County. They have their own language but but written script. Many of them can speak and write in Uygur. Taxkorgan, the only county of China with Pakistan as neighbor, is located on the highest part of the Pamir Plateau, on whose south stands the Qogir Peak, 8,611 meters in the sea level, the second-highest peak of the world. The magnificent Pamir trained the Tajik to be brave, firm and generous. Their ancestors smoothed the Silk Road. The opening of Kungjirap port has energized the local economy.
过继文书,严格的说应是收养文书。古代的收养分“立嗣”和“乞养”两种。宋欧阳修《文忠集一百二十·濮仪一》:“但习见闾阎里俗,养过房子及异姓乞养义男之类,畏人知者,皆讳其所生父母”。《元史·刑法志·户婚》:“诸乞养过房男女者听,奴婢过房良民者禁”。可见,在古代收养子嗣是普遍的社会现象。  综观馆藏的过继文书和收养义子文书,笔者发现收养对象均为男性,没有一份是收养女性的。本文通过对馆藏过继文书的研究(图