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每年的春夏之交,是浙东地区旅游的旺季。周末很多人选择近郊游,在距宁波市区约35公里的鄞州白岩山上,小长假期间或周末可谓人满为患。众多游人慕名来到这座之前并不出名的小山上,是为了一睹被风车点缀之后的风光。沿着盘山公路一路前行,山路两旁除了苍劲挺拔的翠竹,一眼望去是漫山遍野黄灿灿的金鸡菊,有 Spring and summer every year, is the peak season of tourism in eastern Zhejiang. Many people choose to go on an outing on the weekend and can be overcrowded during the small holiday or weekends in Baiyanshan, Yinzhou, about 35 km from downtown Ningbo. Many tourists come to this hill was not famous before, is to see the wind was decorated after the scenery. Along the Panshan Road, all the way forward, both sides of the mountain in addition to vigorous and vigorous bamboo, glanced at the yellow crested edible
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