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●山东省委明确提出把外经贸作为第一亮点,更加突出了外经贸在全省经济发展中的地位和作用,对外经贸工作提出了更新、更高的要求。●山东省外经贸总量,无论外贸进出口还是利用外资与江浙沪差距有明显拉大之势。●第一阶段,“十五”期间,全省进出口总额翻一番,到2005年,进出口额达到500亿美元,年均增长15%以上;实际利用外资新增500亿美元,年均增长30%以上;累计境外投资实现翻番,达到15亿美元。第二阶段,到2010年,全省进出口额再翻一番,达到1000亿美元,继续保持年均增长15%的速度;实际利用外资新增1200亿美元。●涉外税收收入的连年大幅增长,不仅反映了山东省涉外企业作为“三大亮点”之一迅猛发展所取得的丰硕成果,也反映了各级国税机关贯彻中央和省委经济战略部署,真抓实干,依法治税,认真贯彻落实税收政策,积极做好纳税服务,大力整顿税收秩序所做出的重大贡献。 ● Shandong Provincial Party Committee clearly pointed out that using foreign trade and economic cooperation as the first bright spot highlights the status and role of foreign trade and economic cooperation in the province’s economic development and puts forward newer and higher requirements on foreign trade and economic cooperation. ● The total volume of foreign trade in Shandong Province, regardless of the import and export of foreign trade or the use of foreign investment, has obviously widened the gap with Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. ● In the first stage and during the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” period, the total import and export volume in the province doubled. By 2005, the import and export volume reached 50 billion U.S. dollars, an average annual increase of over 15%; the actual utilization of foreign investment increased by 50 billion U.S. dollars, An increase of over 30%; the total overseas investment has doubled to 1.5 billion U.S. dollars. In the second stage, by 2010, the province’s import and export doubled again to 100 billion U.S. dollars and maintained an average annual growth rate of 15%. The actually utilized foreign investment increased by 120 billion U.S. dollars. ● The substantial growth in foreign tax revenue over the years not only reflects the substantial achievements made by foreign-related enterprises in Shandong Province as one of the “three bright spots”, but also reflects the achievements made by the taxation authorities at all levels in carrying out the economic strategic plan of the Central Government and the provincial government. Hard work, tax according to law, conscientiously implement the tax policy, actively do a good job in tax services, and vigorously rectify the tax order made a significant contribution.
4月9日,全省地税系统法制工作会议在郑州召开。这次会议主要任务是传达贯彻全国税收政策法规工作会议精神,总结2002年我省地税法制工作,部署2003年工作 April 9, the provi
短串联重复序列(short tandem repeats,STR)的复合扩增是病理组织进行个体识别的常用技术.我们对石蜡包埋组织HE染色切片的STR荧光标记复合扩增进行实验研究,现报道如下。
关于《中国药典》中药材拉丁名的修订意见林泉(浙江省药品检验所,杭州 1310004)中药是中华民族几千年来的宝贵遗产,是我国广大劳动人民长期与疾病作斗争的智慧结晶。为了使中药走向世界
让我们来看这样一组镜头: 在全省地税系统一级标准化分局——肥西县地税局官亭分局,每月初,都有一辆标有“流动办税服务车”字样的面包车出现在偏远乡镇的街头,为纳税人办理