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  KLCC cooperates with Aid Foundation
  The Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) recently became the first venue in Malaysia to partner with Food Aid Foundation to connect surplus with the world of needs. The foundation is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that rescues surplus food and groceries and distributes it to people in need.
  Under the partnership, KLCC will be providing its surplus food and raising awareness surrounding the importance of limiting food waste amongst its team members and the general public. KLCC is supportive of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to transform the world, and its partnership with the Food Aid Foundation will help contribute towards goals 1, 2 and 12, no poverty, zero hunger and responsible consumption and production respectively.
  A third of Italian trade fair board members is female
  AEFI – Italian Exhibition and Trade Fair Association has launched a survey among the 36 associated trade fair districts on the role and value of women in trade fairs. From the analysis of the replies of the associates, it transpires that the quotas for women are well represented in the sector: 52% of the resources committed in specific exhibition activity is female, while the female resources are around 38% as regards the positions of middle managers and managers. The AEFI survey has in addition highlighted that the percentage of women on the boards is 30.43%.
  会议局新任主席Walt Leger III表示,“明确说来,我们的主要目标是促进疫后的区域经济发展。我们将认真评估所有的竞标方案,让公众投资收获应有的价值。”
  MCCNO moves ahead with development
  The New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center (MCCNO) has taken the next step in its 2018 approved five-year capital improvement plan totalling over $557 million. The Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Exhibition Hall Authority, the governing body of the MCCNO, has received proposals from master development teams to develop 39 acres that will complement the planned headquarters hotel attached to the convention centre along the New Orleans riverfront.
  The master development teams have been challenged to design a mixeduse development that should lead to a vibrant neighbourhood, serve as an economic driver for the State of Louisiana and City of New Orleans, and represent a compelling value proposition that will attract visitors and users to the site. Walt Leger III, newly appointed chairman of the Ernest N. Morial New Orleans Exhibition Hall Authority, stated "
8月31日,国际展览行业协会(UFI)发布了《第16版亚洲贸易展览会研究报告》,研究分析了前所未有的全球疫情危机对亚洲展览行业的影响。报告由BSG公司编制,涵盖了亚洲展览行业在2019年的实际表现,以及对2020和2021年间的预测。  总体而言,该报告预测亚洲展览市场在2020年的总体净展览面积同比去年将下降75%并创下新低的纪录,主要原因是新冠疫情的影响。这意味着亚洲的总体净展览销售面积将从2
德国科隆婴童用品展览会(Kind+Jugend)创办于1960年,每年一届,迄今已成为全球规模最大的少年儿童产品行业的行业博览会,被公认为“全球儿童用品的万花筒”及“世界上最专业的青少年用品展”。从服装到家具,从婴儿座椅到卫浴用品……几乎包含了婴童及青少年日常所需的种种系列产品。Kind+Jugend展是了解全球儿童产业发展趋势和市场前景、寻找专业的合作伙伴、拓展国际市场的重要场所。  2019年
The number of exhibitors was at a record level, the visitors of a high quality and international: that was the result of Kind + Jugend 2019, which ended on Sunday after four successful trade fair days
Although many countries and regions still had travel restrictions, the enthusiasm of companies from Russia including Moscow to participate in the exhibition was high. A total of 28 regional buyers and
Although the current pandemic in foreign countries still needs some time to be resolved and the outbound exhibition industry has not recovered, but during this time, through multiple strategies to cre
芬兰是世界上幸福指数最高的国家之一,很多芬兰人对此都引以为豪。在联合国相关报告中,芬兰在2018年和2019年的幸福指數均排名全球第一。在芬兰,人们幸福的一大原因是自然风光十分烂漫,湖光山色遍布全国。此外,芬兰以创新精神和浓郁的科学与文化氛围著称,也是世界上工作效率最高的国家之一,为国际会展活动的召开提供了完备的条件。  芬兰会议中心坐落在芬兰首都赫尔辛基湾区美丽的蝶略湾公园内,地处市中心,距议会
Most exhibitors want to attract as much traffic as possible. The largest continuous space of an exhibition stand can be actively used for this purpose: A photorealistic floor is a design option that f
拉斯維加斯会展中心大幅扩建  目前,拉斯维加斯会展中心的扩建工程正在进行。该项目斥资9.8亿美元,建成后,将为会展中心目前的30万平方米的展厅面积增加55000平方米。主展厅目前已经在铺设水泥。整个扩建工程将耗时4-5个月,四月底已经完成了77%,预计在今年12月份竣工。此外,会展中心还将增设一个室外广场和一个大型会议区。这个拉斯维加斯会展局旗下的会展中心将采用极先进的设施和技术。  LVCC e
On 31 August 2020, UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, has released the 16th edition of its annual report on the Trade Fair Industry in Asia, capturing an industry in the midst of