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《向沙漠进军》,是一篇介绍自然现象的说明文。文章以准确的判断、科学的说明和精确的语言,揭示了沙漠的本质与特征。大凡读这类文章,多有乏味之感;教这一类文章,也颇有设计之难。如何艺术地组织课堂教学,去启动学生的思维,使他们变乏味为有兴味,由被动接受变为主动的掌握?又怎样严密地设计教学过程中的每一个环节,去扩展学生的认识领域,提高他们对客观事物的比较、分析、综合、判断等能力?陈钟梁老师的教学,也牵动了我的思绪,给了我很多的启示。这篇课文,陈老师只安排了一节课的教学时间。 “Advance to the Desert” is an exposition describing natural phenomena. The article reveals the nature and characteristics of deserts with accurate judgments, scientific explanations and precise language. Most of these articles are boring; teaching these articles is also difficult to design. How to artfully organize classroom teaching, start students’ thinking, make them boring and interesting, change from passive acceptance to active mastery, and how to design every link in the teaching process closely to expand students’ understanding areas, To improve their ability to compare, analyze, integrate, and judge objective things? The teaching of Teacher Chen Zhongliang has also influenced my thoughts and gave me a lot of inspiration. In this text, Mr. Chen only arranged one class of teaching time.
高中数学第一册§1.8揭示了互为反函数的函数图象间的关系,有如下定理: 函数y=f(x)的图象和它的反函数y=f~(-1)(x)的图象关于直线y=x对称. 要证明这个定理,关键是要证明函数
Chitosan resins, which clinically served as adsorbents in hemoperfusion therapy, were prepared with reversed-phase suspension methodology using three differentl
同分异构是有机化学中一个很普遍、很有意义的现象。关于这个名词的来历,还有一段发人深思的故事。 Isomerization is a very common and significant phenomenon in organ
以山梨大学横地 清教授为团长的,日本大学(山梨大学、埼玉大学、大阪教育大学)数学教育研究会一行九人于九月一日到京,九月三、四两日在北京师范大学实验中学与北京师范大学