万事开头难,乒乓球比赛中每一分的争夺都是由发球、接发球开始的,其重要性不言而喻。发球的人绞尽脑汁要用好这宝贵的机会,接发球的人更要想尽一切办法来破坏发球方的抢攻,从而将对抗带入自己理想中的相持球,进而由被动转主动,也就是所谓的防守反击。可以这样说,谁能够处理50%以上的接发球,就等于基本控制住了比赛的节奏,为自己的技术发挥奠定了良好的基础,相反,若是接发球环节出现问题,不仅会让对手轻易得分、士气高涨,更将给自己的发抢造成巨大压力,波及其它各技术环节的发挥。如果关键时刻被对手拿到发球权,接发球差者必然如临深渊。正所谓“牵一发而动全身”,接不好发球,往往招致整个战局的被动。 如何接好对方的发球及至化被动为主动?每一位选手都有自己的高招,不过有些要素却是规律性的。
Everything is hard at the beginning, every point of the competition in table tennis is the starting serve, the importance of self-evident. Serving people brains to make good use of this valuable opportunity, then serve those who even have to do everything possible to undermine the service side of the attack, which will bring confrontation into their own ideal of holding the ball, and then from passive to active, That is the so-called defensive back. It can be said that who can handle more than 50% of the serve is equal to the basic control of the rhythm of the game for their own technical play has laid a good foundation, on the contrary, if the problem occurs when receiving the serve, not only will allow opponents easily score , Morale will rise, but will also create enormous pressure on themselves and affect other technical aspects. If the moment when the opponent got the right to serve, then the poor serve the inevitable abyss. Is the so-called “take the lead in moving the whole body,” then bad serve, often lead to the entire passive war situation. How to take the other side of the serve and turn passive into active? Every player has his own brilliant idea, but some elements are regular.