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1896年4月6日下午3时,在雅典大理石运动场,希腊国王乔治一世庄严宣布:“奥运会开幕”。百年前的今天,现代奥林匹克运动会终于胜利诞生了。今天,奥林匹克运动在全世界得到广泛地发展,但可能很少有人知道奥运会诞生之艰难。1894年6月的巴黎国际体育会议上,成立了国际奥林匹克委员会,制订了第一部奥林匹克宪章,选举了希腊诗人维凯拉斯为国际奥委会第一任主席,法国的顾拜旦为秘书长。会议决定沿袭古奥运会传统,每四年举行一次运动会,第一届奥运会原拟于1900年在巴黎举行,后来考虑希腊为古奥运会发源地,在希腊举行比在巴黎意义更重大些,顾拜旦尊重了大家的意见。大会决定把第一届会期改在1896年,鉴于古奥运会遗址奥林匹亚已成了一片废墟,会址改设在希腊首都雅典。雅典位于希腊东南部的阿蒂卡半岛西侧,三面环海,气候宜人。这个今日希腊政治、文化、经济的中心,在古希腊时期就是重要体育竞技场所之一。它特别重视文化教育,强调把智育、德育、体育、美育四者结合起来培育人才,创建了光辉灿烂的雅典文化。如果说,希腊是欧洲 April 6, 1896 at 3 pm, at the Athens Marble Stadium, King George I of Greece solemnly declared: “Olympic Games opening ”. Today, a hundred years ago, the victory of the modern Olympic Games was finally born. Today, the Olympic Games have been widely developed all over the world, but few people may know the hardships of the birth of the Olympic Games. In June 1894, at the International Sports Meeting in Paris, the International Olympic Committee was established, the first Olympic Charter was drafted, the Greek poet Vique Kailas was appointed as the first president of the International Olympic Committee, and Coubertin of France was the secretary long. The conference decided to follow the tradition of the ancient Olympic Games and hold a sports meeting every four years. The first Olympic Games was originally planned to be held in Paris in 1900. Later, considering Greece as the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games, it is more significant in Greece than in Paris. Respect everyone’s opinion. The Assembly decided to change the first session in 1896, in view of the ruins of ancient Olympics Olympia has become a ruin, the site was changed to the Greek capital of Athens. Athens is located on the west side of the Attica Peninsula in southeastern Greece, surrounded by the sea on three sides, the climate is pleasant. The center of today’s Greek politics, culture and economy was one of the important sporting venues in ancient Greece. It places special emphasis on cultural education, emphasizing the combination of intellectual, moral, physical education and aesthetic education to cultivate talents and create a glorious Athenian culture. If you say that Greece is Europe
骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)是明确具有诱导成骨作用的生长因子。其通过结合靶细胞表面受体,活化细胞内一系列Sm ad蛋白,经Sm ad蛋白介导,将信号转导至细胞核内,在一系列辅助因子的
聚维酮碘(povidone-iodine,PI)是针对细菌、病毒、真菌及原生动物等的广谱杀菌剂.5%PI可用于眼科术前准备工作[1-5].但文献报道供体角膜保存在0.1%PI中5 d,角膜内皮可出现损伤表现[6];高浓度PI注入兔眼前房可导致角膜内皮损伤[7,8];0.01%PI对体外纤维母细胞具有毒性作用,0.1%PI可抑制纤维母细胞生长[9].因此,我们于2003年开始观察不同浓度PI对体外培
世纪老人钟敬文教授心怀浓浓的“民俗学情结” ,自 1 92 2年 1 9岁开始采风迄今 ,已献身民俗学 77个春秋。他以科学务实的精神 ,不停步地跋涉前进 ,成为中国民间文艺学和民俗