建筑工程质量通病是指在建筑工程施工中经常发生的、普遍存在的一些质量问题。这些问题不但直接影响着工程质量整体水平的提高,而且严重影响了用户的使用,给人们生产和生活带来了不便与烦恼。近些年来,各地建筑施工企业为了消除工程质量通病,从原材料的选用到操作工艺的改进等诸多方面采取了一些措施,制定了一些办法,收到了一定的效果。但只要仔细观察不难发现,有的通病在分项或分部工程验收时是消除了,但到交工验收或用户使用一段时间后又暴露出来了;有的虽然是彻底消除了,这里不乏施工单位凭自己实践经验作了建筑构造措施的改进。笔者经过大量地调查分析,认为工程质量通病在很大程度上与建筑构造设计有关。当前,我国建筑构造设计落后是造成工程质量通病的根源。 现以常见的几种裂缝、渗漏问题加以剖析。
Common faults in construction project quality refer to some common quality problems that often occur in construction projects. These problems not only directly affect the improvement of the overall level of project quality, but also seriously affect the use of users, causing inconvenience and annoyance to people’s production and life. In recent years, local construction companies have taken some measures in order to eliminate common problems in the quality of their work, from the selection of raw materials to the improvement of operating techniques. They have formulated some measures and received certain results. However, as long as careful observation is not difficult to find, some common problems are eliminated in the sub-item or division project acceptance, but it is exposed after acceptance or user use for a period of time; some are completely eliminated, but there is no lack of construction here. The unit made improvements in building construction measures based on its own practical experience. After a large number of investigations and analysis, the author believes that the common problem of the quality of the project is largely related to the architectural design of the building. At present, the backwardness of China’s architectural design is the root cause of the common failure of the project quality. Several common cracks and leakage problems are analyzed.