汲取山水画精髓 丰富风景画创作

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油画自欧洲传入我国不过百余年的历史,但在当代,油画已成为我国人民普遍接受与喜爱的画种了。我认为,中国的风景油画既然是油画,就不能失去油画的特质,不能完全照搬、模拟中国传统山水画的形式和表现手法。但是,研究两者之间的差异,以达到异中求同——从中国山水画中吸取营养以丰富风景油画的表现语言和提高艺术境界,进而达到与西方风景油画在同中求异——既使中国的风景油画具有油画丰富的表现力、又使中国油画具有鲜明的民族精神。这是一种富有积极进取精神的追求,也是许多中国风景油画家毕生为之努力的。 中国的山水画和西方的风景画虽都以自然景色作为表现对象,但中西在文化传统、美学观念、观察方法、表现方法、工具材料等方面的相异,必然使其艺术面貌各呈风采。 Oil paintings have been introduced into our country for more than a hundred years since their introduction in Europe. However, in the contemporary era, oil painting has become a popular painting accepted by our people. I think that since the landscape oil painting in China is an oil painting, we can not lose the qualities of oil painting and can not completely copy and imitate the form and expression of traditional Chinese landscape painting. However, the differences between the two are studied to seek common ground - seeking nutrients from Chinese landscape paintings to enrich the expressive language of landscape painting and raising the artistic realm so as to achieve the same goal with the western landscape oil painting - both So that China’s landscape painting has rich expression of oil painting, but also make Chinese oil painting has a clear national spirit. This is a motivated pursuit, and many Chinese landscape painters worked hard throughout their lives. Although both Chinese landscape paintings and western landscapes take the natural scenery as the object of performance, the dissimilarities between the Chinese and Western cultures in their traditions, aesthetics, methods of observation, methods of expression, and tools and materials inevitably lead to their artistic appearance.
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