Tunable, continuous-wave single-resonant optical parametric oscillator with output coupling for reso

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ljmldblh
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We present a continuous-wave singly-resonant optical parametric oscillator with 1.5% output coupling of the resonant signal wave, based on an angle-polished Mg O-doped periodically poled lithium niobate(Mg O:PPLN), pumped by a commercial Nd:YVO4laser at 1064 nm. The output-coupled optical parametric oscillator delivers a maximum total output power of 4.19 W with 42.8% extraction efficiency, across a tuning range of 1717 nm in the near- and mid-infrared region.This indicates improvements of 1.87 W in output power, 19.1% in extraction efficiency and 213 nm in tuning range extension in comparison with the optical parametric oscillator with no output coupling, while at the expense of increasing the oscillation threshold by a factor of ~ 2. Moreover, it is confirmed that the finite output coupling also contributes to the reduction of the thermal effects in crystal. We present a continuous-wave singly-resonant optical parametric oscillator with 1.5% output coupling of the resonant signal wave, based on an angle-polished Mg O-doped periodically poled lithium niobate (MgO: PPLN), pumped by a commercial Nd: YVO4laser at 1064 nm. The output-coupled optical parametric oscillator delivers a maximum total output power of 4.19 W with 42.8% extraction efficiency across a tuning range of 1717 nm in the near- and mid-infrared region. This indicates improvements of 1.87 W in output power, 19.1% in extraction efficiency and 213 nm in tuning range extension in comparison with the optical parametric oscillator with no output coupling, while at the expense of increasing the oscillation threshold by a factor of ~ 2. Moreover, it is confirmed that the finite output coupling also contributes to the reduction of the thermal effects in crystal.
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