俗话说:黄荆棍下出好人 现实是:打儿屁股打死人

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不久前,北京那位打屁股把孩子打成肾功能衰竭的母亲被送上法庭;无独有偶,南方又发生同类事件。据《华西都市报》载,四川眉山市某校二年级学生张阳,因所做作业错误较多,激怒其父。当儿子不告饶时,父亲取下书包上的人造革背带抽打他,仍不解恨,又找来竹板狠打孩子屁股。导致张阳臀部大面积出血,不治身亡,其父不得不到当地派出所投案自首。该不该打孩子屁股,是个老话题。望子成龙的欲望,紧紧揪着家长们的心,但在某些时候,也会丧失理智而挥棒扬鞭。我们家就曾有过“打孩子屁股”的纠纷。宝贝儿子宏宏,委实不听话,居然用不知从哪儿学来的脏话骂他母亲,而且 Not long ago, Beijing’s mother, who had spanked her kid and labeled her kidney failure, was brought to court. Coincidentally, similar incidents took place in the south. According to Huaxi Dushi Bao, Zhang Yang, a sophomore at a certain school in Meishan, Sichuan Province, infuriated his father because of more homework errors. When his son was not grateful, his father took off his leather bag strapped to beat him, still not understand the hate, but also to find the bamboo slaughter children ass. Resulting in large buttocks Zhang Yang bleeding, died, his father had surrendered to the local police station. This should not play child ass, is an old topic. Succeed desire, tightly grabbing the hearts of parents, but at some point, they also lose their reason and swagger. There was a dispute about “hitting a kid butt” in our family. Acer macro son, really disobedient, actually I do not know where to learn from the scolding scolded his mother, and
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