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在[1]中,王雨新同志提出了用输出电路状态表示号码组的方法,这是一项很有意义的改进,然而该文还是利用了一般号码组和迂迴号码组两种号码组来解决迂迴路由的利用问题,虽比Рогинский的图解法简单完整一些,但在实际运用时仍嫌过于繁复。本文拟采用一套新的符号系统表示一般号码转译时的各种状态,以便于只用一般号码组而不必借助于迂迴号码组来识别迂迴路由是否可加利用,从而可使整个网络综合工作得到简化。为便于对照,本文以[1]中的原例作了说明,所得结果和[1]中的完全一致。为便于叙述起见,现将一般号码组转译时经过静合接点、动合接点以及不经过转换接点的三根线分别称为0线、1线和φ线(如图1所示),并且规定φ线号码组和0线、1线上的号码组,接表1所示规则及符号组成或修改。 In [1], Comrade Wang Yuxin proposed the method of expressing the number group by the state of the output circuit. This is a very meaningful improvement. However, this article still uses the common number group and the round number group to solve the circuitous The use of routing problems, although the graphical method than Рогинский simple and complete, but in actual use is still too complicated. This paper intends to use a new set of symbolic systems to represent the various states of general number translation so as to facilitate the use of general number groups without resorting to a circuitous numbering group to identify whether alternative routing can be utilized to enable the overall network to be integrated simplify. For the sake of comparison, this paper describes the original example in [1], and the result is exactly the same as in [1]. For the sake of narration, the three lines that pass through the static contact, the moving contact and the non-passing contact will be referred to as the 0 line, the 1 line and the φ line (as shown in FIG. 1) respectively when the general number group is translated, and the φ Line number group and 0 line, 1 line number group, the table 1 shows the rules and symbols composed or modified.
婴儿可以说是一种集天使和魔鬼于一身的生物。尽管TA们基本只有“哭、吃、睡、笑”几种模式,但对于带孩子的新手来说,光是第一种模式,就足以叫人抓狂。因为婴儿几乎所有需求都只能用哭声来表达,如果你不能准确破译的话,就别指望关闭这个模式。  很可惜,婴儿出生时是没有附带说明书的,这就驱使不少研究者在TA们的哭声上不断花心思,试图破译这种神秘语言。最近,美国布朗大学和罗德岛州妇幼医院的科研团队开发出了一款软