
来源 :武汉学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:donggewo
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2008年,中国改革开放迎来30周年。30年来,中国的改革开放事业走过了光辉的历程,武汉在改革开放的大潮中获得了辉煌的成就。为纪念改革开放30周年,认真贯彻落实党的十七大精神和科学发展观,使广大干部群众进一步解放思想、提高认识,不断破解改革开放过程中的难题,推动武汉新一轮的大发展,中共武汉市委在全市党员干部群众中发动了新一轮解放思想的大讨论。2008年9月27日,中共武汉市委宣传部、武汉市社会科学院和武汉市政治学会共同邀请了武汉地区高等院校、科研机构和学术团体的部分理论与实际工作者进行了以“新一轮思想解放与武汉大发展”为主题的笔谈交流。以下为本刊择要刊发的部分笔谈内容: In 2008, China’s reform and opening up ushered in the 30th anniversary. Over the past 30 years, China’s reform and opening up undertook a glorious course. Wuhan achieved brilliant achievements in the tide of reform and opening up. In order to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the reform and opening up, conscientiously implement the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress and the scientific concept of development, so that the broad masses of cadres and people to further emancipate the mind, raise awareness, and constantly crack down on the reform and opening up process to promote the great round of new development in Wuhan, CPC Wuhan Municipal Party Committee launched a new round of discussions on emancipating the mind among the party members and cadres in the city. On September 27, 2008, Propaganda Department of CPC Wuhan Municipal Committee, Wuhan Academy of Social Sciences and Wuhan Municipal Political Science Institute jointly invited some theoretic and practical workers from institutions of higher learning, research institutes and academic groups in Wuhan to “ Round of ideological liberation and the great development of Wuhan ”as the theme of writing exchange. The following is selected to publish part of the pen content:
介绍了DMT-HDSL系统的原理及其实现方法,提出了针对DMT调制技术的一种基于信道辨识的自适应均衡方法,计算机仿真实验证明了该方法是简单和有效的. The principle and realization method o
石榴(Punica granatum L.)为落叶灌木或小乔木。原产地中海沿岸,西汉时期引入我国,何时传入封丘时间不详,清(康熙)县志有最早文字记载。封丘石榴主要分布于陈桥和司庄公社的