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改革开放以来,经济的到迅速的发展,人们的生活水平也得到了很大的提高,在大部分人都能够满足温饱的前提下,越来越多的人开始注重生活质量的提高。随着科技的发展,对生活也产生了很大的影响,比如说,全自动洗衣机等一些全自动的产品成为生活中必不可少的家用电器,大大方便了人们的生活,节省了人们的时间的同时更是节省了不少的力气,许多的家务活都不需要人们亲自动手。另外一方面,人们生活水平的提高也表现在人们的饮食中,在我们的三餐中,肉类食物成为家常便饭,许多家庭的荤素搭配严重失调,使得身体机能下降。在生活水平逐步提高的同时,人们的身体状况也出现了这样或者那样的问题,长期的办公室工作环境,使得大部分的上班族,严重缺乏一定量的锻炼,随着人们意识的增强,体育锻炼受到越来越多人的重视,许多人开始增强体育锻炼,以加强自己身体的抵抗力,提高自己的身体素质,改善身体状况,毕竟“身体是革命的本钱”。拥有一个好的身体素质是创造更多财富的基础,所以,在追求财富的同时,一定要更加注重身体状况。对于在社会中占有大部分的上班族来说,更是要抽出业余的时间到户外加强体育锻炼,因为电脑的辐射对于人体的伤害特别大,再加上长期坐着工作,缺乏锻炼,会使得身体的形态以及身体的机能都会逐渐的下降,导致身体的抵抗力降低,很容易受到病菌的侵袭,没有好的身体又何谈创造财富呢。 Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid economic development, people’s living standards have also been greatly improved. With the majority of people being able to meet their food and clothing needs, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to improving the quality of life. With the development of science and technology, it also has a great impact on life. For example, some fully automatic products such as fully automatic washing machines have become indispensable household appliances in life, which has greatly facilitated people’s lives and saved people’s time At the same time it saves a lot of effort, many of the housework do not need people to do it yourself. On the other hand, the improvement of people’s living standards is also manifested in the people’s diet. In our three meals, meat foods become commonplace. Many families have serious imbalances in their meat and vegetables and their body functions decline. At the same time of the gradual improvement of living standards, people’s physical condition has also caused such or some problems. The long-term office working environment makes most workers have a serious lack of a certain amount of exercise. As people’s awareness increases, physical exercise By more and more people’s attention, many people began to enhance their physical activity to strengthen their own body’s resistance, improve their physical fitness and improve their physical condition, after all, “the body is the capital of revolution.” Having a good physical fitness is the foundation for creating more wealth, so we must pay more attention to physical condition while pursuing wealth. For office workers who occupy most of the society, it is necessary to spare time for outdoor activities to enhance physical activity, because computer radiation damage to the human body is particularly large, coupled with long-term work, lack of exercise, will make Body shape and body function will gradually decline, resulting in lower body resistance, it is susceptible to the invasion of germs, there is no good body, how to talk about the creation of wealth yet.