
来源 :兵团建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyh682020
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半个多世纪以来,兵团传承中华民族历史文化和军旅文化,吸收借鉴新疆各民族优秀文化和国外文化精华,融合五湖四海的地域文化,形成了具有军垦特色的兵团文化。然而,新的历史时期,面对新形势新任务新变化,尚处于起步阶段的兵团文 For more than half a century, the Corps has inherited the history and culture of the Chinese nation and military culture. It has absorbed the excellent cultures of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang and the essence of foreign cultures and merges the regional culture of all corners of the globe. It has formed a corps of culture characterized by military reclamation. However, in the new historical period, in the face of the new changes in the new situation and new tasks, the military corps still in its infancy
In 2012,about 16487 people received kidney transplants in the United States,whereas 95022 candidates were on the waiting list by the end of the year.Despite adv
最近,我们调查了南通市的青年离婚情况,从中可以看出,青年婚姻恋爱这个领域,在资产阶级思想影响下,已受到严重的精神污染。 该市一九八二年离婚数为一百一十三对,二百二十六
Primary glomerular diseases in the elderly population are a frustrating topic due to difficulties in both the diagnosis and decision making about treatment. The
<正> 森林是苏维埃人民的国有财富。我国在这方面拥有大量资源。苏联木材蓄积量占世界34%。除木材外,森林还为国民经济提供松脂、坚果、浆果、蘑菇、制药原料和工业原料,为狩猎业提供产品。森林亦是最佳的天然调节器,它保护着水分,帮助防止土壤侵蚀,改善微气候,为人的生存创造着良好条件。哪里有森林,哪里的空气就清新些,那里的水就甜美
<正> 一、法在管理活动中的作用提高法在调整社会关系中的作用,也就同时决定了必须不断提高法律业务在管理活动中的意义。我们首先来研究一下法在管理活动中的地位和作用问题。很长一个时期,一谈到法的作用,主要限于比较窄狭的领域,只涉及管理活动的个别领域。这是因为,对法的看法,对各种法律的看法,过去相当狭窄;有时把法的作用仅仅归结为组织国家机关的工作,整顿纪律和杜绝违法事例,等等。近些年,鉴于管理学发展得此较迅速,对法的看法也在改变。
<正> 苏共中央和苏联部长会议1979年7月12日《关于改进计划工作和加强经济机制对提高生产效率和工作质量的影响作用》的决议中指出:苏联国家计划委员会和其他授权领导发展国民经济的机关的中心任务,就是必须保证综合解决经济问题和社会问题,集中人力和资源来完成最重要的全国性的计划,决不允许采取狭隘的部门本位观点来对待计划工作。我们认
At the end of August,Chinalco Southeast Coast Aluminum Deep Processing Base broke ground at the Fujian-Taiwan(Fuzhou)Industrial Park for Blue Economy.Based on C
Haematuria was known as a benign hallmark of some glomerular diseases, but over the last decade, new evidences pointed its negative implications on kidney disea
From January to August this year,nationwide aluminum enterprises above designated size fulfilled 48.2 billion yuan of profit,wherein aluminum smelting enterpris