把握事实 发诸真情——怎样写好小通讯

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通讯是比较详尽生动地报道新闻人物或事件的一种新闻体裁。通讯和消息都是新闻体,但两者是有区别的。其一,在外表形式上,消息的标题有引题、正题、副题,通讯一般不这样;消息通常注明“本报讯”等消息头,通讯则无此标注。其二,在表现方法上,通讯可用记叙、描写、议论、抒情等多种表达方式,而消息则只要达到真实准确即可。其三,在篇幅上,消息一般较短小,通讯的篇幅一般较长。其四,在时间上,消息更偏重于迅速,而通讯做到及时即可。写好通讯的关键是把握事实,发诸真情。新闻要“用事实说话”,通讯也是如此,绝不能随意编造,无病呻吟。通讯选材的要求是真实、典型、新 Communication is a kind of news genre that covers news characters or events in detail and vividly. Communication and news are news bodies, but there is a difference between the two. First, in the form of appearance, the headline of the message has a title, a title, and a subtitle. The communication is generally not the case; the message is usually marked with the head of “This newspaper” and the communication does not have such an annotation. Secondly, in the method of expression, communication can be used in various ways of expression such as narrative, description, argumentation, lyrics, etc., and the message can only be true and accurate. Third, in terms of length, the news is generally shorter and shorter, and the length of communication is generally longer. Fourth, in terms of time, news is more focused on rapidity, and communication can be done in a timely manner. The key to good communication is to grasp the facts and send it to the truth. The news must “speak with facts.” The same is true of communications, and it must not be fabricated and free from illness. The requirements for communication materials are real, typical, and new
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