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作风建设关系到党的生死存亡,是一项长期的、艰巨的、复杂的系统工程。习近平总书记指出:“作风问题具有顽固性和反复性,不仅需要经常抓、长期抓,还要靠体制、机制来保证。”在新的历史条件下,有效巩固作风建设的成果,把作风建设继续引向深入,必须通过制度创新推动改进作风常态化、长效化。制度创新是加强作风建设的内在要求制度是带有根本性的问题,祛除作风方面的积弊顽疾归根结底要靠制度建设,只有建设具有稳定性、长期性和可操作性的制度,形成持续管用的机制体制,才能从根本上巩固和提升作风建设的成效,形成推动经济社会发展进步的良好作风。依靠制度创新加强作风建设反映了唯物史观的根 The construction of style has a bearing on the life and death of the party and is a long-term, arduous and complicated systematic project. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The problem of style is intractable and repetitive. It requires not only frequent grasping and long-term grasping, but also institutional and institutional guarantees.” Under the new historical conditions, the results of the style building are effectively consolidated. Style building continues to lead in-depth, we must promote the improvement of the work style through institutional innovation, long-term. System innovation is to strengthen the inherent requirements of style construction is a fundamental problem, eliminate the disadvantages of style in the final analysis rely on system construction, only the construction of a stable, long-term and operational system, the formation of a sustainable mechanism System in order to fundamentally consolidate and enhance the effectiveness of style construction and form a good style of work to promote economic and social development and progress. Relying on system innovation and strengthening style construction reflect the root of historical materialism
为揭示烟草脱落酸(ABA)受体基因NtPYR1和NtPYL9的生物学功能,以拟南芥PYR1和PYL9基因为探针,在NCBI中通过同源比对查找普通烟草表达序列标签(Expressed sequence tag,EST)序
目的:通过回顾性分析方法,比较非布司他、苯溴马隆、别嘌醇对慢性肾脏病(Chronic kidney disease,CKD)3期合并高尿酸血症(Hyperuricemia,HUA)患者的降尿酸疗效,对肾小管及肾