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通過分析東漢、六朝時期三吴地域水利事業的三個實例,本文指出:(一)東漢時錢塘縣防海大塘的修建,是由以華信家族爲代表的當地豪族聯合策劃、組織、實施的。(二)南朝宋時,爲解決吴興郡的水患問題,費時二十餘年,親自踏勘調查,提出工程方案,極力呼籲政府組織實施的民間人士姚嶠,爲吴興武康大族姚氏的成員。(三)南朝齊時,會稽郡民間本有完善的水利設施維護系統,並自主運轉。但因官方的粗暴介入,該系統遭到破壞,水利設施受到毁滅性打擊。本文認爲:東漢、六朝時期,本應由政府使用公權力組織實施的水利事業,受到了私家勢力相當程度的滲透,反映了該時期國家統合程度較低的事實。 Through the analysis of the three instances of Sanwu regional water conservancy in the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Six Dynasties, this article points out: (1) The construction of Fanghai Datang in Qiantang County in the Eastern Han Dynasty was jointly planned, organized and implemented by local priders, represented by Watson families of. (Two) In the Southern Song Dynasty, in order to solve the flood problem in Wuxing County, it took more than 20 years to survey and put forward the project proposal personally. He strongly urged Yao Mi, a non-governmental organization that the government organized and implemented, to be a member of Wu’s Wukang family Yao. (C) Qi Dynasty, Huiji County folk have a sound water conservancy facilities maintenance system, and autonomy. However, due to official and brutal intervention, the system was destroyed and water conservancy facilities were devastatingly destroyed. This paper argues that in the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Six Dynasties period, the water conservancy project, which should be implemented by the government using public power, had been infiltrated by private forces to some extent, reflecting the fact that the national integration was low during this period.
Background and study aims: Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a condition that has been proposed as a clinical entity only fairly recently. Its pathogenesis invol
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