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目的:探讨胫骨平台双髁骨折中胫骨结节骨折的手术策略。方法:回顾性2014年10月至2018年5月治疗并获得随访的35例胫骨平台双髁骨折合并胫骨结节骨折患者资料,男26例,女9例;年龄21~68岁,平均37.6岁;胫骨平台骨折根据Schatzker分型,Ⅴ型16例、Ⅵ型19例。根据胫骨平台双髁骨折中胫骨结节骨折块及胫骨近端后侧皮质的完整性将35例骨折分为四种类型:两者均完整为A型;胫骨结节骨折块完整,胫骨近端后侧皮质粉碎为B型;胫骨结节骨折块粉碎,胫骨近端后侧皮质完整为C型;两者均粉碎为D型。遵循此分类制定手术入路及固定方式,其中22例胫骨平台双髁骨折合并A、B型胫骨结节骨折采用前外侧联合内侧入路,13例合并C、D型胫骨结节骨折者采用前正中联合内侧入路。4例A型骨折采用拉力螺钉固定。18例B型骨折采用1/4管状钢板固定。7例C及6例D型骨折均采取1/4管状钢板结合螺钉固定。结果:35例患者术后均获随访,随访时间12~24个月,平均16.8个月。所有胫骨平台骨折均达骨性愈合,愈合时间3~6个月,平均4.7个月。除1例外,其余胫骨结节骨折块均未见二期复位丢失。术后Rasmussen放射学评分为10~18分,平均14.1分;其中优11例,良19例,可5例,优良率85.7%(30/35)。HSS膝关节功能评分为64~98分,平均86.8分;其中优22例,良10例,可3例,优良率91.4%(32/35)。术后2周发生脂肪液化2例,术后1周发生浅表伤口感染1例、内固定松动1例、膝关节创伤性关节炎1例。结论:胫骨平台双髁骨折合并胫骨结节骨折是一种特殊损伤类型,需根据胫骨结节骨块的粉碎程度及胫骨近端后侧皮质的完整性制定手术策略。对于粉碎的胫骨结节骨折,前正中入路显露最佳,根据骨折块情况可以采用1/4管状钢板和(或)拉力螺钉固定。“,”Objective:To discuss how to make the surgical strategy for tibial tubercle fracture associated with bicondylar tibial plateau fracture.Methods:Data of thirty-five patients of tibial tubercle fractures associated with bicondylar tibial plateau fractures who were treated from October 2014 to May 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 26 males and 9 females with an average age of 37.6 years (range, 21-68 years). According to Schatzker classification in tibial plateau fracture, 16 cases were type V and 19 cases were type VI. According to the integrity of tibial tubercle fracture and cortical bone of the proximal tibia in bicondylar tibial plateau fracture, they were divided into four types: type A, tibial tubercle fracture fragment and cortical bone of the proximal tibia are both complete; type B, tibial tubercle fracture fragment is complete but cortical bone of the proximal tibia is comminuted; type C, tibial tubercle fracture fragment is comminuted but cortical bone of the proximal tibia is complete; type D, both of them are comminuted. The surgical approaches and fixation methods of all the tibial tubercle fractures were according to the four different types. There were 22 cases with type A and B that were treated via an anterolateral and a medial incision, 13 cases with type C and D were treated via an anterior midline and a medial incision. There were 4 cases belonging to type A fixed with lag screws singly, 18 cases with type B fixed with 1/4 tubular plates, 7 cases with type C and 6 cases with type D fixed by 1/4 tubular plates combined with lag screws.Results:Thirty-five patients were followed up for 16.8 months (range, 12-24 months). All fractures healed with an average time of 4.7 months (range, 3-6 months). Loss of reduction didn’t occur in 34 cases except one. According to Rasmussen radiographic evaluation, the average score was 14.1 (range, 10-18) and clinical outcomes were rated with excellent in 11 cases, good in 19, fair in 5. The excellent and good rate was 85.7% (30/35) . The mean Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) scores of all cases were 86.8 (range, 64-98) and the functional scores were excellent in 22 cases, good in 10 cases and fair in 3 cases with the excellent and good rate of 91.4% (32/35) . Surgical complications included fat liquefaction in 2 cases, superficial wound infection in 1, loosening of implant in 1and traumatic arthritis in 1.Conclusion:This kind of tibial tubercle fracture associated with bicondylar tibial plateau fracture is rare and special. Therefore, the preoperative plan should be made by considering the morphological features of the tibial tubercle fragments and the cortical bone of the proximal tibia. The middle longitude approach is the best way to expose tibial tubercle fragments which should be fixed with 1/4 tubularplate and/or lag screws.
摘 要: 随着科技日新月异的发展,社会对于创新型人才的要求逐步提高,培养创新型人才成为高中物理教学的首要任务,为此广大高中物理教师要在现有基础上大力推进素质教育,激发高中生的创新精神,培养高中生的创新意识和创新能力。  关键词: 高中物理教学 创新能力 创新意识 优质课堂  随着社会的进步、科技的飞速发展,科技创新已经成为社会发展的动力,关乎一个国家和民族的未来,一个没有创新精神和创新能力的民族肯
摘 要: 化学是一门很重要的基础学科,新课程要求化学教学不仅让学生获取知识、技能,更重视学生未来的发展,关注全体学生全面和谐的发展。不仅评价学生学业上的进步,更要重视学生情感态度与价值观方面的发展。本文从化学教学难点入手对此进行了论述。  关键词: 高中化学教学 教学难点 教学对策  高中化学学科具有实验性、实用性、基础性和创造性等特点。中学阶段的化学知识分为两大部分:一是基础知识,包括化学概念、
目的:对经皮骨水泥成形术(POP)联合n 131I治疗分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)骨转移患者的疗效及生存情况进行评估。n 方法:回顾性分析2008年1月至2020年1月间上海交通大学附