
来源 :中国现代文学研究丛刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pingpinggangan
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本文以1981年首届报告文学奖的设立和评选为中心,考证“新时期”初期“报告文学热”的来龙去脉与发生动力。报告文学与诗歌、话剧、中短篇小说一起,在“新时期”之初被视为推动社会转型的重要力量,并以制度化的形式确立为主流文学重要的组成部分。报告文学成为居于中心位置的文类形式,主要来自上层的推动。“新时期”之初,文艺界对于文学功能的想象与设计,仍然坚持着“为人民服务、为社会主义服务”(或“为政治服务”)的社会主义传统。而在向人民报告时代的佳音,描绘社会主义新人,反映群众的喜悦、疾苦、愿望和要求的方面,报告文学具有不可替代的作用。 Based on the establishment and selection of the first reportage prize in 1981, this paper studies the ins and outs of the reportage hotness and its motivation in the early period of the new period. Together with poetry, drama and short stories, reportage is regarded as an important force in promoting social transformation in the early period of “New Period”, and is established as an important part of mainstream literature in the form of institutionalization. Reportage has become the dominant genre form, mainly driven by the upper class. At the beginning of the “new period,” the literary and art circles still insisted on the socialist tradition of “serving the people and serving socialism” (or “serving for politics”) for the imagination and design of literary functions. Reportage plays an irreplaceable role in reporting the good news of the times to the people, portraying the new socialist people and reflecting the joy, pain, desire and demand of the masses.
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追风少年渴望实现自己的梦想,那天空中升起的彩虹,正是梦想的彼岸:那一座座阻挡着自己追梦的山峦,正等待着少年去克服。风萧萧,电闪闪。轰鸣声中夹杂着风和雨,从少年的耳旁呼啸而过,掠走了少年对梦想的信心,但带不走少年心中那份珍藏已久的坚定。  追风少年永远追随着风而去,他让苍穹为他划过一滴泪,他让风指明追寻梦想的道路,也许风只能为他打开前往梦想的大门,梦的阶梯是很长很长的,似乎通往了天际。  花开的等待
文章分析了阿左旗水土流失现状,分析了水土保持监督执法机构建设及水土保持监督执法工作中存在的问题,并提出今后加强水土保持执法工作的努力方向。 This paper analyzes th