
来源 :科学管理研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiaolang
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科研经费的有效管理越来越成为国家和社会重点关注的问题,而目前人文社科各级各类研究项目因缺乏集约化的统筹管理机制导致项目低水平重复研究、经费使用绩效低下等问题层出不穷。从研究人员、高校管理部门和项目主管单位三重角度分析了目前人文社科项目经费管理中存在的问题和矛盾,针对此,创新性地提出分层建立人文社科研究项目经费集约化管理系统,并从经费管理体制的改革、高校部门间的协同和校院二级审批制度的改革等方面给出了具体破解方案。 The effective management of scientific research funds has increasingly become a national and social focus of attention, but at present all kinds of humanities and social science research projects at all levels due to the lack of intensive integrated management mechanism led to low-level duplication of research projects, the use of funds inequality and other issues emerging . From the perspectives of researchers, college management departments and project supervisors, the existing problems and contradictions in the funding management of the humanities and social sciences project are analyzed. In response to this, the paper puts forward in an innovative way the establishment of an intensive fund management system for the research projects of humanities and social sciences, The specific solutions are given from the aspects of the reform of the funds management system, the coordination among the departments of higher education and the reform of the secondary examination and approval system of the school.
本文重点介绍了洞坪水电站水轮机的性能及结构特点。 This article focuses on the Dongping Hydropower Station turbine performance and structural characteristics.
植物人自然分娩产男婴 2000年4月12日晚,深圳武警医院一内科病房传来一声响亮的婴儿哭声,在这一刻昏迷100多天的植物人李谢丽创造了奇迹,在医护人员的帮助下顺利诞下一个健
20 0 0年 3月 ,我国广州抽水蓄能电站建成 ,装机 8台 ,共 2 4 0万kW ,超过了美国装机 6台共 2 10万kW的巴斯康蒂抽水蓄能电站 ,成为当前世界上最大的抽水蓄能电站 .可是这一记录