From "Handicapped" to "Physically Challenged": the Discourse Transformation in C

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In the human rights discourse of China, the terminolo-gy used for canfei (handicapped) was changed to canji (persons with disabilities) and then canzhang (physically challenged), which has lit-erally manifested the unfolding of the new philosophy for the physical-ly challenged. In particular, the achievements of the China physical-ly-challenged programs in the New Era shows that at both institutional and mindset dimensions, it has stepped beyond the definition of canji and entered into the higher level featured by the term canzhang. As for the future practical strategies of the national physically-challenged programs, it is important to hold on the ideas of socialist humanism, and to explore the constitutional model and human rights model for physically-challenged rights protection. This is also the major clue to conclude the achievements of the two 30 years physically-chal-lenged programs since the establishment of the PRC. Countries world-wide, particularly developing countries, can draw experience from this China model of developing the programs and strategies of human rights-based govance. The Chinese experience and theories also can be shared by community with a shared future for human beings.
摘 要:通过理解、尊重、倾听、鼓励、引导帮助听障儿童家长,调节心理压力,面对现实。提高自己的认知能力,树立正确的人生观价值观,学会应对困境、学会寻求专业人士的帮助,努力形成一个团队合作,最终实现自己的目标。  关键词:听障儿童;家长;心理调适;康复  孩子是家长的未来和希望,在得知孩子被确诊为听障儿童时,家长的精神上受到了沉重的打击。“望子成龙望女成凤”的希望被破滅。于是家长的心理发生了天翻地覆的
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摘 要:作为档案主体的纸质档案在使用和保存过程中会发生外观形态、字迹色泽及化学结构的变化,需要做好档案从形成到消亡的全程保护工作,包括选取耐久性好的纸张、字迹作为档案材料,同时从人防、技防的角度入手创造一个良好的档案保存环境,最大限度的延长纸质档案的使用寿命。  关键词:纸质档案;保护;措施  一、选择优质原材料,采用适当生产工艺,合理地形成纸质档案  (一)选择优质的档案原材料  優质的档案原材
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