
来源 :北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuming_wu
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本文是作者为纪念北京大学建校一百周年而作,是其对改革开放以来致力于马克思主义在中国的传播、发展史与五四新文化思想史、北京大学校史等多领域研究的一个系统总结和再思考。马克思主义与北京大学世纪同行。作者以马克思主义与北京大学的历史关系为核心研究命题,历史学与政治学等跨学科研究,通过文献释读、史物与史实考订及其实证分析,认为:(1)北京大学是中国传播马克思主义的一个重要源头——提出“北大源头”概念并首次刊发了“亢慕义斋”图书印章这一珍贵文献;(2)北京大学是中国最早讲授马克思主义的高等学府,李大钊在中国开风气之先,马克思主义在北大首传真——是作者在学术界第一个发掘“北京大学唯物史观试卷”;(3)北京大学是中国率先实践马克思主义的基地——作者以珍贵可信的史料和严密的推理解决了“南陈北李,相约建党”这一迄今还被认为没有完全落实的历史悬案;(4)从一系列人物群谱研究中指出,当时北大进步师生为实践马克思主义,在中国共产党的创建和早期发展中,曾提供了强固的组织基础和卓越的领导人。由上,马克思主义与北京大学具体地历史地密不可分,进而形成马克思主义中国化的社会历史特征和北京大学的马克思主义历史传统 This article is written by the author to commemorate the centenary of the founding of Peking University. It is one of the studies on the dissemination and development history of Marxism in China since the reform and opening up, the history of the May Fourth New Cultural Thought, and the history of Peking University System summary and rethinking. Marxism and Peking University counterparts. The author takes the historical relationship between Marxism and Peking University as the core research topic, historical and political science and other interdisciplinary research, through the interpretation of the literature, history and historical facts and empirical analysis, that: (1) Peking University is China’s communication Marx (2) Peking University is the earliest institution of higher learning in China to teach Marxism, and Li Dazhao has taken a pioneering role in China. Li Dazhao, an important source of doctrine, put forward the concept of “source of Peking University” and published for the first time the precious document entitled “ First of all, Marxism first faxed at Peking University - the first one in the academic community to unearth the ”Peking University Historical Materialism Paper“; (3) Peking University is the first place in China to put Marxism into practice. - The author uses precious and credible historical materials And rigorous reasoning to solve the ”South Chen North Lee, similar to the founding party," which has so far still been considered incomplete implementation of the pending cases; (4) from a series of figures of people study pointed out that the Peking University teachers and students to practice Marxism , Provided a solid organizational foundation for the founding and early development of the Communist Party of China An outstanding leader. From the above, Marxism and Peking University are specifically historical inseparable, thus forming the social and historical characteristics of Marxism in China and the history of Peking University’s Marxist tradition
研究了2个预养护龄期(28和180 d)的硅酸盐水泥和3个矿渣粉掺量(50%、70%和90%)的混合水泥砂浆在加速溶蚀142 d内的溶蚀质量损失规律,分析了硅酸盐水泥和混合水泥初始CaO含量
句型转换综合考查学生对课本知识点的理解、记忆和灵活运用的能力,它能较好地反映出同学们对英语基本句型的熟悉和运用程度。其考查的主要形式有三种:    一、 按要求转换句型    做这种题,首先应明确每一种时态、语态的语法结构,疑问句及否定句的构成,当然还要掌握一些特殊用法。  1.肯定句、否定句、疑问问、感叹句、祈使句之间的转换  ①My father put his bike under the
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