挖掘环保新卖点 “如烟乐”大赚健康钱

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偶遇环保新品详细调研见商机2003年6月,已在广州打了三年工的胡兴艳终于拥有了生平第一份属于自己的事业,虽然只是一个小小的档口,但也足以作为一个起点让年轻的她一展拳脚了。她的档口以经营玩具、精品、礼品为主,由于价格合理、服务周到,开业之初确实火了一阵子,可不久便陷入与同行竞争的泥潭中,销售量下降,无利可赚。2004年,胡兴艳发现日化用品正走俏,成本不高,利润却不薄,便立即转行。谁知这不过是又一场危机的演变,许多厂家窥见终端销售的丰厚利润,纷纷插手其间,逼得像她这样的小经销商根本无立足之地。正当她一筹莫展时,一位朋友给她的事业带来了转机。胡兴艳童年时代的朋友王睿两年前留学法国,2005年8月回国探亲时,专程前来探望她。交谈中,王睿得知胡兴艳正寻找新的投资项目,突然想到法国正流行的一种新型香烟用品,便问:“你听说过‘如烟乐’吗?”。“‘如烟乐’?没听说过。是空气清新剂吗?”“不是,这是一种 The case of the occasional green new product sees detailed business opportunities. In June 2003, Hu Xingyan, who had been working in Guangzhou for three years, finally had his first career in his life. Although it was just a small stall, it was enough to be a starting point. Young she flexed her muscles. Her stalls are mainly engaged in operating toys, exquisite articles and gifts. Due to reasonable prices and good service, the business really started to fire for a while. It could soon be caught in the quagmire of competition with its peers. The sales volume will be reduced, and no profit will be made. In 2004, Hu Xingyan discovered that daily chemical products are becoming popular, and the cost is not high. If the profits are not thin, they will immediately switch to another job. Who knows this is just another evolution of the crisis. Many manufacturers have come to see the lucrative profits of terminal sales. They have intervened and forced small distributors like her to have no place. Just when she was unable to do anything, a friend brought a turn for her career. Hu Xingyan, a friend of his childhood Wang Rui studied in France two years ago. When he returned to China to visit relatives in August 2005, he made a special trip to visit her. In the conversation, Wang Rui learned that Hu Xingyan was looking for a new investment project and suddenly thought of a new kind of cigarette product that France is now popularizing. He asked: “Have you heard of ‘Yueyan Le’?”. ”“Rokuya”, never heard of it. Is it an air freshener?“ ”"No, this is a kind of
作为国家级研发中心的长城技术研究院,不仅拥有先进的开发设备及成体系的职能部门和分支机构,还具备了皮卡、SUV、MPV、轿车以及动力总成的开发设计能力,已具有整车和 As a
临近年底,消息有好有坏。说好,是博客、中搜拿到了千万美元的风险投资;说坏,是福布斯富豪陈顺利在其掌控的“特种纤维”股票被停牌后,突然人间蒸发,踪迹难觅。一载岁月的轮回,也改变了人不同的命运。  对于创业,有人做出了一个比喻:“创业的是疯子,打工的是傻子”。其中的意味不言而喻。一年间,围绕创业这个主旋律,我们报道过的中国企业都发生了这样或那样的变化,也前所未有地受到了来自广大创业者的大力追捧。数万读
一个品牌的成熟需要厚积沉淀,把众多个牌子聚集起来形成一个品牌则需要吆喝。正如中国女鞋之都。 The maturity of a brand needs accumulation, the number of brands toge