In stage I NSCLC, surgery is still the preferred treatment, with a 5-year survival rate of ≥50%. However, some lung cancers (MILC) that are not suitable for surgical treatment because of poor medical conditions and/or age are only treated with radiotherapy alone, and their long-term survival rate is 5% to 30%. The authors reported that from January 1980 to October 1995, 156 patients with stage I MILC received radiotherapy at the Duke University Medical Center and the Durham Veterans Administration Medical Center. 15 patients were treated with palliative care and 8 treatments. After the loss, a total of 141 cases were analyzed. According to the AJCC staging, T_1N_075 cases, T_2N_063 cases, bilateral T_13 cases; median age 70 years (46 to 95 years old); male 117 cases, female 24 cases; tumor size 0.5