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教育信息化作为新世纪教学改革的重要内容和指标,作为参与世界竞争的制高点,已成为世界各国教育发展,乃至经济、社会、文化发展的关键。以计算机及网络技术为代表的信息技术将在人们的未来生活中扮演十分重要和不可缺少的角色。如果现在的在校学生具有了这方面的素质,他们将来可以更容易地适应各种技术革新,也更容易在未来的信息时代获得成功。本文旨在通过对美国信息技术教育概况的了解,结合对我国的信息技术教育发展现状及所面临的问题的分析,来思考我国的中小学信息技术教育。 Education informatization, as an important content and indicator of teaching reform in the new century, has become a key point for participation in world competition and has become the key to the development of education in the world, and even to economic, social, and cultural development. Information technology represented by computer and network technology will play a very important and indispensable role in people’s future life. If current students have the qualities in this area, they will be able to adapt to various technological innovations more easily in the future and will be more successful in the information age of the future. This article aims to consider the information technology education in the United States, combined with the analysis of China’s information technology education development status and the problems faced, to think about China’s primary and secondary school information technology education.
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上学我不算是一名好学生,勉强考上高中,读了不到一年就辍学了。原因是那时一个初中的同学参加征兵,我觉得挺好玩,一冲动也跟着报了名,想去当兵,结果遭到全家人一致反对。但这反而激发了我那时的逆反心理,我偏要去。家里人拗不过,只好转而支持,在我年龄不合格体重也不合格的情况下帮助疏通关系。  新兵连的生活与想象差得太远了,艰苦而且乏味,还有各种形式的体罚与训斥。不少被家庭逼着参军以期退伍能安排工作的城市兵都
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现行高中地理选修部分 ,以人文地理和国土整治为主要内容 ,拓展了中学地理教学的内容 ,加深了学生的地理视野 ,体现了地理学实用价值。同时 ,成为高考地理科的重要考核内容之
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