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1 故障现象移动操作面板上的轨迹球时,显示器上的游标符号不随之移动,致使测量取值无法完成。2 故障原因轨迹球使用频繁,造成带动斩光盘转动的海绵滚严重磨损,使轨迹球与海绵滚之间空隙增大,接触面减小,甚至接触不上,从而造成游标符号移动困难、操作失灵。3 检修过程首先要? 1 Fault phenomenon When you move the trackball on the operation panel, the cursor symbol on the display does not move, making it impossible to complete the measurement. 2 Causes of Trackball Frequent use of the trackball causes the sponge roll that drives the disc to wear heavily. As a result, the gap between the trackball and the sponge roll increases, the contact surface decreases, and even the contact cannot be reached. As a result, movement of the cursor symbol is difficult and the operation fails. . 3 The repair process first of all?
云南省昆明市五华区保健医院曾经走入绝路。 1994年,医院业务总收入 27万元,收支相抵后亏空几万元,账面仅有的两万多元资金只够发两个月的工资。也许是日后生活无保障, 20多名退
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目的 为肝脏保存液的研究提供离体肝脏再灌注模型。方法 用大鼠肝移植供体手术方法获取供肝 ,离体再循环 2小时 ,同健康活体大鼠进行对比 ,观察胆汁分泌量、胆汁中胆酸及胆
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为做好卫生部基层卫生与妇幼保健司“社区卫生服务试点工作回顾性研究”课题 ,加强试点经验交流 ,广泛听取有关各方意见和建议 ,2 0 0 1年 4月 3~ 4日 ,卫生部基妇司在成都召