Thermal Shock Property of Al/Ni-ZrO_2 Gradient Thennal Barrier Coatings

来源 :材料热处理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiezhen120
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Al/Ni-ZrO2 gradient thennal barrier coatings are made on aluminum substrate using plasma spraying method and one direction thermal shock properties of the coatings are studied in this paper. The results show that pores in coatings link to form cracks vertical to coating surface. They go through the whole ZrO2 coating once vertical cracks form. When thermal shock cycles increase, horizontal cracks that result in coatings failure forms in the coatings and interface. And vertical cracks delay appearance of horizontal cracks and enhance thermal shock property of coatings. Failure mechanisms of coating thermal shock are discussed using experiments and finite element method. Al / Ni-ZrO2 gradient then barrier coatings are made on aluminum substrates using plasma spraying method and one direction thermal shock properties of the coatings are studied in this paper. When through the whole ZrO2 coating once vertical cracks form. When thermal shock cycles increase, horizontal cracks that result in coatings failure forms in the coatings and interface. And vertical cracks delay appearance of horizontal cracks and enhance thermal shock property of coatings. coating thermal shock are discussed using experiments and finite element method.
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1  世界如其所是,众生微不足道,明知离合聚散终有时,却总无法以此麻痹我自己。许多年前我也是这样送走了安哒,那是一只会像伸缩尺一样将自己蜷起来的折耳猫,唯有撒娇时才翻出肚皮,摸一摸就在地上打个滚,再摸一摸,再打个滚。送走它之后我整夜以泪洗面,半月神思俱废。而后我对月起誓,再不养这样柔软的生灵,因害怕离别。  可是月相无常,我也很快忘记自己的誓言。  而今我又这样送走了浮生。  永诀突如其来。悲眷如
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