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当前,随着新情况、新问题的不断出现,反腐败斗争所面临的形势也越来越严峻,矛盾也越来越复杂,有些腐败问题也越来越难处理.那么,上哪儿去找治理腐败的原动力、上哪去找战胜腐败最值得依靠的力量呢?只能到人民群众中去寻找.邓小平同志曾强调,党只有紧密地依靠群众,密切联系群众,随时听取群众的呼声,了解群众的情绪,代表群众的利益,才能形成强大的力量,顺利地完成各项任务.江泽民同志指出,我们不搞群众运动,但不等于不依靠群众,人民群众是我们党的力量源泉.党的十五大报告中提出的反腐败工作机制中就有“依靠群众的支持和参与”的内容.腐败分子最害怕的是人民群众.因为腐败的最终受害者是人民群众,人民群众对腐败危害的感受最深切,对贪污、行贿以及其他各种腐败现象最反感,对反腐败的要求最强烈,参与反腐败的态度最坚决.最近几年,在反腐败斗争中所查办的案件线索有80%来自群众的检举控告.所以,深入开展反腐败斗争,必须充分依靠人民群众,如果没有群众的积极参与,腐败分子就难以受到应有的惩处,各种消极 At present, with the continuous appearance of new situations and new problems, the situation in the anti-corruption struggle is getting more and more serious, the contradictions are becoming more and more complicated, and some corruption problems are getting harder and harder to deal with. The motive force of corruption, which go to find the most worthy to defeat the power of corruption? Only to the masses to look for .Teng Xiaoping once stressed that the party only by closely relying on the masses, in close contact with the masses, ready to listen to the voices of the masses to understand the masses And represent the interests of the masses, can we form a mighty force and successfully accomplish various tasks. Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: We will not engage in mass movements, but it will not mean that we do not rely on the masses. The people are the source of strength for our party. Among the anti-corruption work mechanisms put forward in the five reports are the content of “relying on the support and participation of the masses.” What is most terrifying to the corrupt elements is the mass of the people, because the ultimate victims of corruption are the people and the masses’ feelings about the dangers of corruption Deepest, the most disgusted with corruption, bribery and other kinds of corruption, the strongest anti-corruption requirements, the most resolute attitude to participate in anti-corruption.In recent years, Therefore, 80% of the clues censored in the anti-corruption struggle come from accusations and accusations from the masses. Therefore, in order to carry out the anti-corruption struggle in depth, we must rely fully on the people and the corrupts can not be punished properly without the active participation of the masses. Kind of negative
<正> 新的世纪即将来临之时,中国也处于本世纪以来最深刻的转型时期。这一转型由两个深刻转变所组成:一是体制的转轨,即从高度集中的计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济的转轨;