Line Segment Optimization Algorithm for High Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Image Based on Geomet

来源 :测绘学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mythzhang
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Aiming at the problem that high-resolution optical remote sensing image, lines are prone to fracture, and a line segment optimization algorithm is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the line segment is regarded as a way to express the contour of the ground object,and the laws of line segment fracture from two aspects of geometric features and texture features are analyzed;Secondly, the line segment optimization algorithm is proposed. It takes the results of detecting line segments as the processing primitives, determines the initial optimized line segment according to the length of the line segment, establishes the tracking rectangular region and geometric constraint model for the fractured line segments, builds a dynamic optimization model, and gives a complete line optimization process. Through the analysis of experimental results of multiple actual scenes and different types of remote sensing images, it is shown that this algorithm can not only solve the problem of line segment fracture caused by terrain occlusion, edge blurring, and edge serration, but also comparing with other methods, the proposed algorithm has great advantages in optimizing line length and restraining over extraction problem.
一年前 ,武汉市发生一宗鲜为人知的“大案” ,湖北美术学院珍藏的《清明上河图》绢画、齐白石等一批价值连城的名家真迹不翼而飞。武汉警方迅速调集刑侦、侦技高手投入侦破。
In surveying adjustment models,there is usually some uncertain additional information or prior information on parameters,which can constrain the parameters,and guarantee the uniqueness and stability o
贪官档案 :欧阳松 ,男 ,1942年出生于湖南省常宁市一个贫困家庭 ,大学毕业后在岳阳市某大型企业从事技术工作 ,80年代初担任该厂厂长。1983年任岳阳市委副书记。1990年任岳阳市常务副市长。
目的 根据临床检验资料,研究对于结缔组织病并肺间质病变患者使用高分辨率CT进行诊断的应用效果.方法 对我院在2015年1月至2017年12月所收治的结缔组织病并肺间质病变患者46