Sustained virological response based on rapid virological response in genotype-3 chronic hepatitis C

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Johnnywang03
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AIM:To document the sustained virological response (SVR) in rapid virological responders (RVR) of genotype-3 chronic hepatitis C with standard interferon (SdIF). METHODS:Hepatitis C genotype-3 patients during the period July 2006 and June 2007 were included. Complete blood counts, prothrombin time, ALT, albumin, qualitative HCV RNA were done. SdIF and ribavirin were given for 4 wk and qualitative HCV RNA was repeated. Those testing negative were allocated to group-A while the rest were allocated to group-B. Treatment was continued a total of 16 and 24 wk for group A and B respectively. HCV RNA was repeated after 24 wk of treatment. End virological and sustained virological responses were compared by χ2 test. ROC of pretreatment age, ALT and albumin were plotted for failure to achieve SVR. RESULTS:Of 74 patients treated, RCV RNA after 16 wk of therapy became undetectable in 34 (45.9%) and was detectable in 40 (54.1%) and were allocated to groups A and B respectively. SVR was achieved in 58.8% and 27.8% in groups A and B respectively. SVR rates were significantly higher in patients who had RVR as compared to those who did not (P = 0.0;γ = 2). Both groups combined ETR and SVR were 70% and 33% respectively. ROC plots of pretreatment age, ALT and albumin for SVR showed only ALT to have a significantly large area under the curve.CONCLUSION:SVR rates were higher in patients who had RVR with SdIF and high pre treatment ALT values correlated to probability of having RVR. AIM: To document the sustained virological response (SVR) in rapid virological responders (RVR) of genotype-3 chronic hepatitis C with standard interferon (SdIF). METHODS: Hepatitis C genotype-3 patients during the period July 2006 and June 2007 were included Complete blood counts, prothrombin time, ALT, albumin, qualitative HCV RNA were done. SdIF and ribavirin were given for 4 weeks and qualitative HCV RNA was repeated. Those testing negative were allocated to group-A while the rest were allocated to group- End Virological and sustained virological responses were compared by χ2 test. ROC of pretreatment age, ALT and albumin were RESULTS: Of 74 patients treated, RCV RNA after 16 weeks of therapy was undetectable in 34 (45.9%) and was detectable in 40 (54.1%) and were allocated to groups A and B respectively. SVR was achieved i SVR rates were significantly higher in patients who had RVR as compared to those who did not (P = 0.0; γ = 2). Both groups combined ETR and SVR were 70% and 33% respectively. ROC plots of pretreatment age, ALT and albumin for SVR showed only ALT to have a significant large area under the curve. CONCLUSION: SVR rates were higher in patients who had RVR with SdIF and high pre treatment ALT values ​​correlated to probability of having RVR.
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晚上9点钟给女儿洗完澡,我就急急忙忙跑去学生寝室查寝,已经顾不得女儿在身后喊:“妈妈,给我剪指甲。”从学生寝室回家,发现女儿已经睡着了,怀着满心的内疚,我找出工具,想趁她睡着时帮她剪掉长长的指甲。  没想到,轻轻剪完两个指甲,女儿依然被弄醒了,看到我在握着她的手指,迷迷糊糊地问:“妈妈,现在还是晚上吗?”我温柔地摸着她的头说:“宝贝,当然是晚上了,妈妈给你剪指甲。”  趁着和女儿对话的间隙里,我已
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儿子昊昊1岁左右,我就开始每天给他读绘本,晚上睡前故事也从没落下。所以他从小爱看书,3岁的时候就能自己拿着绘本看了。  现在,他看的绘本五花八门,阅读也给我和儿子的生活带来了莫大的影响。  记得有一次,我从书店买了一堆书,其中有一本书叫做《一片叶子落下来》,主题很好,是关于生命和死亡的,但我考虑到对于幼小的儿子来说,了解这些还太早了。于是买回来后一直束之高阁,没有陪他读过。  直到有一天,昊昊无意