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中国画小品课对我系中国画教学来说,是一个有待深入研究的新课题。以前的中国画教学是重视写生课,这几乎成为固定的教学模式。写生课对培养学生深入观察对象和提高一般的绘画造型能力,的确起了不可估量的作用。由于是直接画模特或时景写生,使学生受对象自然形态的局限是在所难免的。这对于培养学生的意象造型能力和对笔墨形式、趣味的体悟及把握能力来说,又不免有隔靴搔痒的感觉。而小品课的开设和训练,却可以克服直面对象所带来的局限性。摆脱自然形态的限制,凭借学生对生活的感受和领悟,通过高度的归纳和创构,画胸中意象。这对培养学生由自然形提练、概括出中国画造型的能力,起到很大的推动作用。由感受生活到产生艺术思维再过渡到艺术作品,中国画有其它画种所}替代的自身规律。通过“小品”画的创作,将会使学生对中国画的重意、重表现的创作规律有较为真切的体悟。小品画的创作从构思、构图到笔墨形式、结构的处理和色凋的设计,有一整套的要求。所以画小 Chinese painting sketch lesson to my Department of Chinese painting teaching is a new topic to be further studied. Previous Chinese painting teaching emphasized the life-style lesson, which almost became a fixed teaching mode. The sketch lesson really plays an inestimable role in cultivating students’ in-depth observation of objects and improving the general ability of drawing and painting. It is unavoidable that the students are limited by the natural form of the object because they draw the model directly or sketch the scene. This is to cultivate the students’ ability of image modeling and pen and ink forms, interesting comprehension and ability to grasp, but also inevitably feel itchy. The creation and training of short courses can overcome the limitations brought by the face-to-face object. Get rid of the limitations of natural forms, by virtue of students’ perception of life and comprehension, through a high degree of induction and creation, draw the image of the chest. This training of students from the natural shape practice, summed up the ability of Chinese painting modeling, played a significant role in promoting. From feeling life to art thinking and then to the transition to the work of art, Chinese painting has other paintings by the original} replacement of their own laws. Through the creation of “sketch” paintings, students will have a more realistic understanding of the importance of Chinese painting and the law of re-expression. Pieces of painting creation from conception, composition to the form of ink, the structure of the deal and the design of the color wither, there is a set of requirements. So draw small
学院艺术在今天越来越显示出其学术先锋的地位。但先行的学院艺术将为我们开辟一条什么样的艺术之路,却是一个十分严肃的问题。 96年11月12日,“四川美术学院中国画系作品展