
来源 :Geo-Spatial Information Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kniba98
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A regional groundwater management system has been elaborated, integrating Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) and various web services. It consists of web geospatial application so-called HydrIS ( Hydrogeological Information System) based on Open Source components and technologies, leading to a feasible and low-cost solution. Therefore, HydrIS permits delivery of data from a number of heterogeneous sources to standards supported by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The protocols used for exchanging data are also derived from OGC standards, i.e., WMS (Web Mapping Service), WFS (Web Feature Service), and WCS (Web Coverage Service). Finally, a geoportal was developed, which consists of client-applications that communicate with different Web Services (WMS, WCS, anAd WprFoSto) ttyhpreo ufogrh wHeTbT-Pb-aresqeude GstISs. application was designed using the deegree Framework to provide systematic interfaces and functions. This system was developed to demonstrate the value of making hydrogeological data more widely accessible through client/server architecture. This experience and knowledge already gained in this project will be a source for technology transfer and policy decisions. Otherwise, this will enable user groups to improve the management of their ground-water resources and contribute to enhanced decision support capabilities. It consists of a web-based geospatial application so-called HydrIS (Hydrogeological Information System) based on Open Source components and technologies, leading to a feasible and The protocols used for exchanging data are also derived from OGC standards, ie, WMS (Web Mapping Service ), WFS (Web Feature Service), and WCS (Web Coverage Service). Finally, a geoportal was developed, which consists of client-applications that communicate with different Web Services (WMS, WCS, anAd WprFoSto) ttyhpreo ufogrh wHeTbT-Pb- aresqeude GstISs. application was designed using the deegree Framework to provide systematic interfaces and functions. This system was developed to demonstrate the value of maki This experience and knowledge already gained in this project will be a source for technology transfer and policy decisions. Otherwise, this will enable user groups to improve the management of their ground-water resources and contribute to enhanced decision support capabilities
本文根据基准不重合误差的产生原因、尺寸的间接保证与误差不等式,分析了复杂情况下联系定位基准与设计基准之间尺寸的建立及其计算方法,以及工艺尺寸链追迹法的实质。 Accord
1935年中,瞿秋白 在长汀的国民党监狱中 度过了他生命的最后日 子。在他即将走完自己 36年生命历程的最后一 段路时,他又恢复了文 人和诗人的本来面目, 写下了一些直抒自己思
吴×女 32岁住院号18476于1983年4月4日住院。4个月前,右眼红、疼痛、怕光、流泪视物不清。症状逐渐加重,多次治疗无效。检查:右眼视力0.3,轻度睫状充血。右眼角膜鼻侧有溃