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前言农业、农村、农民问题是我国经济发展的突出问题,在我国已经进入了“工业反哺农业、城市支持农村”的新阶段的大背景下,党的十六届五中全会提出建设社会主义新农村, 是党中央审时度势,在新形势下解决“三农”问题的根本指针。社会主义新农村,是社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设协调发展的新农村,是“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”的新农村,是富裕、民上、文明、和谐的新农村。新农忖建设涵盖了“三农”工作的主要方面,包含了农村现代化的核心内容;是农村工作的一条工作主线、推进农村发展的一个总纲,也是我国实现跨越式发展的内在要求。发端于我国广大农村地区的乡镇企业在促进农村经济和国民经济发展过程中曾经起过重要作用,在建设社会主义新农村中还将起到带头作用,乡镇企业将为新农村建设提供产业支撑,实现产业带农;为农民就业增收提供渠道和载体,实现就业带农;为推进现代农业建设提供动力,实现龙头企业带农;为壮大县域经济提供财力保障,实现财力带农;为统筹城乡发展提供有力抓手,实现辐射带农。 Preface Agriculture, rural areas and peasants are prominent problems in our country’s economic development. Under the background that our country has entered a new stage of “industry feeding agriculture and cities supporting rural areas”, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee proposed the construction of a new socialist In rural areas, it is the fundamental guideline for the Central Party Committee to review the current situation and solve the “three rural issues” under the new situation. The new socialist countryside is a new countryside with coordinated development of socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and social construction. It is a new rural area with “developed production, ample living life, civilized rural areas, clean and tidy villages and democratic administration” , Civil, civilized and harmonious new countryside. The construction of new farms covers the major aspects of the work concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers and includes the core of rural modernization. It is the main line of work in rural areas and an overarching agenda for rural development. It is also an inherent requirement of our country’s leapfrog development. Township and village enterprises that originate in vast rural areas of our country have played an important role in promoting rural economy and national economic development and will take the lead in building a new socialist countryside. Township and village enterprises will provide industrial support for the construction of new rural areas, Realization of industry-oriented agriculture; Providing channels and carriers for increasing employment of peasants, realizing employment and bringing agriculture; Providing impetus for promoting the construction of modern agriculture and bringing leading enterprises into agriculture; Providing financial security for expanding county economy and realizing financial and agricultural development; Provide a powerful starting point to bring radiation to bring agriculture.
介绍了智能材料,着重对1997~1998年智能高分子材料进行了阐述。 Introduced intelligent materials, focusing on the 1997 ~ 1998 intelligent polymer materials are descr
本刊讯(实习记者匡玲平)2008年12月8日,“河南省改革开放30年·国企30家·民企30人”大型评选活动颁奖晚会在河南电视台大演播厅举 This newsletter (intern reporter Luan
这是一个特殊的年代,创新、创业成为商业社会的主流,年轻一代的创业家们在新经济、新资本的推动下成为一个特殊的群体。他们究竟是怎样的一个群体?他们和上一代创业家有哪些不同?  我们试图去回答这个问题。而《创业家》杂志关注的创新型、高成长的黑马企业创始人,成为我们解析中国新一代创业家群体的坐标系。  6月30日,黑马中国现场,《创业家》和新生代对现场的140多位黑马企业创始人进行了问卷调查,这让我们对中
融资,是企业尤其是中小企业财务管理的重中之重。本文在逐一分析了中小企业各种融资方式及现状后, 结合有关融资方式的弊端,分析了企业、金融机构(资金供给方)、政府在中小企