丹心国徽相映红 记白山市人大代表、临江市检察院反贪局局长陶殿甲

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临江市,这座边陲小城,宛如鸭绿江边一颗明珠,在改革开放的今天,更加放射出璀璨的光芒。为了加快经济振兴步伐,临江市委、市政府确立了实现全市经济可持续发展的“三开战略”目标,它客观上要求司法机关要为维护本地区的社会稳定,保障社会主义市场经济体制的建立和发展创造良好的法制环境和社会环境。就在此时,市检察院党组把反腐败查办大要案、进一步推进反贪污贿赂斗争的任务交给了反贪局长陶殿甲。一时间,反贪局的工作引起社会各界的瞩目。“反腐败斗争牵动着全市人民 Linjiang City, this border town, like a Pearl of the Yalu River, in the reform and opening up today, more radiate a bright light. In order to speed up the pace of economic rejuvenation, Linjiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have set the goal of ”three strategies to open up“ the city’s sustainable economic development. It objectively requires the judiciary to safeguard the social stability in the region and safeguard the socialist market economy Establishment and development of the system to create a good legal environment and social environment. At this moment, the party committee of the municipal procuratorate handed over the task of stepping up the anti-corruption major case investigation and further promoting the anti-corruption bribe struggle to the anti-corruption director Tao Dianjai. For a time, the work of the Anti-Corruption Bureau has drawn the attention of all sectors of society. ”Anti-corruption struggle affects the people of the city
过去“两锹栽棵枣”的习惯,枣苗成活率很低,生长慢,挂果晚。深栽能大大提高成活率。特别是近些年,我省各地普遍干旱,地下水位明显下降,这就要求深栽。一般 In the past, “
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