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经过60多年的风雨,经过60多年的积累,东兴建筑集团由小到大,由弱到强,成为黑龙江省建筑施工企业综合实力百强之一,成为国家二级房屋建筑工程施工企业。多年来,东兴建筑集团获得了全国模范职工之家、全国五一劳动奖状、全国厂务公开民主管理先进单位、全国职工教育培训优秀示范点、全国企业管理优秀单位、全国重视安全管理示范单位、全国守合同重信用企业、中华慈善突出贡献奖、省级文明单位标兵、省十佳关爱标兵、省明星企业标兵、省建设系统文明标兵单位、省消费者信得过单位、省重合同守信用标兵企业、省安全生产先进单位、集建杯一等奖,多次获国家级全面质量管理“金屋奖”“银屋奖”、全国优秀工程优质管理奖等100多个省级以上荣誉称号。 After more than 60 years of wind and rain, after 60 years of accumulation, Dongxing Construction Group from small to large, weak to strong, becoming one of the top 100 comprehensive strength of construction enterprises in Heilongjiang Province, a national secondary housing construction project construction enterprises. Over the years, Dongxing Construction Group has won the title of National Model Worker’s Home, Labor Day National May 1 Certificate, National Advanced Unit for Democratic Management of Factory Affairs, Outstanding Demonstration Site for Employee Education and Training in China, Outstanding Corporate Management Unit in China, and National Demonstration Unit for Safety Management, National Shou contract re-credit enterprises, China Charity Outstanding Contribution Award, the provincial civilized unit pacesetter, the province’s top ten care pacer, the provincial star business model, the provincial construction system civilized pacesetter units, the provincial consumer trust units, the provincial contract and trustworthy model enterprises , The provincial advanced unit of work safety and the first prize of Jianyang Cup. It has won over 100 provincial-level honors and honors such as the national total quality management, “Golden House Award” and “Silver House Award” and the “National Outstanding Project Quality Management Award” title.
笔者认为,要使政工研究焕发新的生机,就必须把政工研究的触角向生产经营领域延伸。这已成为当前政工研究必须认真解决的一个重要课题。 政工研究向着生产经营领域的延伸,有
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