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北京的大型商场已遍布京城,其名称大多气势夺人,如商城、购物中心、大厦等等。但留心注意一下这些商场的英文译名,则大有文章可做。享誉京城的双安商场赫然顶着“Shuang An Market”的英文标牌,却不知以该商场的规模及经营方式,使用Market一词是件多么委屈的事。Market一词在英文中有三个含义,一是露天性(open air),即买卖在露天进行的集市,二是时间性,即只在特定时间(如早上,周末)才开的,或者是临时性的集市,三是移货性,即在交易完后货主要将剩下的货物打包带走,下次来再带上的集市。这三点显然与双安的情况相差甚远, Beijing’s large-scale shopping malls have spread all over the capital. Their names are mostly powerful, such as shopping malls, shopping malls, and buildings. But pay attention to the English translation of these shopping malls. There are great articles to do. The Beijing-famous Shuangan shopping mall stood up to the English signage of “Shuang An Market”. However, the use of the word “Market” was not aggrieved by the scale and operation of the mall. The word Market has three meanings in English. One is open air, which means that the market is open for sale in the open market, and the other is time, that is, it is only open at a specific time (such as morning and weekend), or Temporary market, the third is the nature of the goods, that is, after the transaction, the goods will be the main remaining of the package away, the next to come to the market. These three points are obviously far from the situation of Shuang’an.
“流火的七月,香港一边热浪滚滚,一边清凉阵阵,热浪源于高温闷湿的气候,清凉出于随处可见的春兰空调。”日前,参加香港回归十周年庆祝活动的一位人士说。 In July, Hong Ko
In the year since Speed came out, Sandra Bullock, 29. has catapulted from little-known actressto Next Big Thing. She is one of the rare actresses liked by both
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