INTRODUCTION Cottonseed cakes have a slightly lower total nitrogen content than peanut cakes, but several of their major essential amino acids, such as lysine, methionine and cystine, are high in protein. For non-ruminants, cotton seed cake should be the ideal protein feed. However, since cottonseed cake contains gossypol, a toxic natural polyphenol material, it is a barrier to its use in pigs, poultry and rabbit feeds. Among them, pigs are particularly toxic to gossypol. Pigs eating cotton cake will lead to anorexia, dyspnea, deficiency and other symptoms. People are constantly looking for gossypol poisoning caused by eradication or reduction of cotton cakes for use in non-ruminant diets. They use different amounts of protein, different amounts of protein, iron-containing additives, and glands with gossypol Cotton cake and other feed to do the experiment, made different degrees of progress. In Nigeria, despite its high yield of cotton cakes, it is not aware of its use in pig feed due to lack of information. This study established the relative parameters of cottonseed cake compared with peanut cake for weaning piglets.